France: Will the Deputy editor of French newspaper face blasphemy charges? – IOTW Report

France: Will the Deputy editor of French newspaper face blasphemy charges?

There is no such thing as Islamophobia. I hate the Muslim religion. I’ll say it.” – Yves Threard

RAIR FOUNDATION: Yves Threard, the Deputy editor of France’s oldest newspaper, La Figaro, was invited on the French television show, Le Grand Soir, to debate whether people should have the right to wear a Islamic sharia coverings in public.

Islamic head covering has been legally banned since 2004 in French classrooms and government offices, but it has not yet been banned in public spaces. more here

13 Comments on France: Will the Deputy editor of French newspaper face blasphemy charges?

  1. Considering Islam negates the basic foundations of Christianity (no Trinity, God has no Son, Jesus wasn’t crucified) and that the Jews and Christians corrupted God’s word, you either have to have to love it or dislike it.

  2. How can it be blasphemy? Blasphemy is to speak ill or defame God Himself. Last I checked, Islam is made up of flawed human beings.

    This guy is a rare bird… courage to speak the truth, in an age of total political correctness. I totally agree with him; Hatred of a murderous ideology is to be commended, not punished.

  3. Phobia means an irrational fear. Fear of Islam/Sharia is completely rational, as is fear of rattlesnakes, leopards, brown recluse spiders, rabies, etc. If you’re not afraid of something that could kill you–or worse–now that’s irrational.

  4. islam is a lot of things but it isn’t a religion.

    France is very close to 10% of the population being moslim which is considered pretty much the absolute end of talk like this for starters. This guy’s head better be on a 24/7 swivel.


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