France’s Influence in Africa Is Declining Fast – IOTW Report

 France’s Influence in Africa Is Declining Fast

GP: French President Emmanuel Macron has a formidable capacity to hang on to power, even though his tenure as head of state has been plagued with turmoil, from never ending Yellow Vests marches to widespread protests over his Pension reform, up until the shocking race riots following the police killing of a teenager in a traffic stop.

When it comes to Foreign Policy, things have been just as rocky, from his fruitless mediation of the conflict in Ukraine up until his snubbing on the BRICS meeting.

But very possibly the worse defeat in this area is the complete debacle of the French influence in West Africa, mainly in the sahel, a semi-arid region between the Sahara desert to the north and the savannas to the south.

Now, in parallel, many former colonies are breaking away from Paris’ sphere of influence, raising the scary specter of war in the region.

As the ECOWAS countries, led by France’s ally Nigeria, vow to intervene to ‘restore democracy’ in Niger, another coup d’état takes place in Gabon – another country seemingly about to sever ties with France. more

7 Comments on  France’s Influence in Africa Is Declining Fast

  1. French voting is just as valid as American voting. Aaannd American voting has become just as valid as Gabonese or Nigerite voting… perhaps somewhat less valid, on second thought.

    Welcome, those who don’t croak from the new shots or the old new shots or the wars or the coming famines put on by our supposedly elected ‘leaders’, to the NEW WORLD ORDER.


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