Frankly, Sinatra, I Don’t Give A Damn – IOTW Report

Frankly, Sinatra, I Don’t Give A Damn

Stilton’s Place: Following the horrific massacre in Las Vegas, decrepit former entertainer Nancy “These Boobs Were Made For Sagging” Sinatra has come up with a brilliantly simple way to permanently end gun violence in our nation.

Specifically, she wants all five million members of the NRA to be lined up against a wall and shot to death by firing squads. Granted, this would have absolutely no effect on criminal gun violence in our country, but the massive domestic holocaust would at least temporarily slake the bottomless blood lust of those on the Left and (bonus!) get them to support funding for Trump’s really big wall so they can have someplace to line up so many citizens.  MORE HERE

SNIP: It’s a double-feature story. Be sure to read, “The Case Of The Foggy Door”.

28 Comments on Frankly, Sinatra, I Don’t Give A Damn

  1. Has anyone heard a public figure on the Right ever say anything as violent as anyone on the Left? Who but psychotic, anti-Trumpers ever advocate for these things?

    Who radicalized Stephen Paddock and James Hodgkinson?

  2. Whenever anyone says something so off the wall as murdering a group of people to end something, it’s guaranteed they know nothing about the subject that turned them into a murderer.

    I’ll likely get flamed, but I am not an NRA member and I own plenty of guns. Why? Well it’s complicated, I was a prior member and at the time I decided not to renew, it was because I felt my membership dues were needed at a local level. Also, I never received my Charlton Heston signed bullet keychain!

  3. Boobie Frank Jr is DEAD!

    Frank Sinatra Jr., son of legendary entertainer, dies – CNN –
    Mar 17, 2016 – (CNN) Frank Sinatra Jr., the son of the legendary entertainer who had a long musical career of his own, died Wednesday, said manager ..

    Not only that Barbara Sinatra died recently. Looks like death surrounds that family. Be careful in who you want to see in front of a firing squad.

    Death. Sinatra died on July 25, 2017, in Rancho Mirage, California of natural causes.
    Barbara Sinatra – Wikipedia

  4. Joe BtfSplk has it right. Anyone who expresses the desire to commit mass murder — especially in the same week that someone did commit mass murder — should be investigated by the police. When will these freaks start being taken seriously?

  5. What do you want to bet that her face is permanently ‘lifted’ into that smile.

    These twits don’t seem to realize that even if the NRA ceased to exist tomorrow, we’d still have guns. They just can’t tolerate the fact that right-wingers have a union.

    How many terrorist attacks or mass shootings have been carried out by NRA members?

    Their are more murders by Twitter users.

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