Free Heroin Killing Kits in San Francisco – IOTW Report

Free Heroin Killing Kits in San Francisco


Ricci Wynne

Look at these #Progressive white women getting paid to provide killing kits to my Community ! Matt. 7. [15] Beware of false prophets,which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves @SpeakerPelosi@LondonBreed@SenFeinstein@VP#BadDecisions#democrats

14 Comments on Free Heroin Killing Kits in San Francisco

  1. Give them enough to OD and stop wasting resources on the Fuck Ups.

    Just put them on an island away from hard working people so they don’t harm us.

  2. @BeachmomL Last time I was in SF was in 12/2019, and haven’t been back since. Nothing changed, still step over homeless and their $hit. If you rent a car or drive your own, expect to have it broken into. If you can avoid going to SF, don’t go.

  3. One of the men (assuming gender, he’s large, hairy and sexually completely unattractive to me) suggested establishing safe injection sites with a dedicated meatwagon out back to take the poop-butts to the cogeneration facility. I asked him how they’d get enough ODs to warrant a meatwagon and he said… ‘offer them free dope and make the doses hot, you’ll get all the ODs you need.

  4. I’m not clear on what is in these kits, as “harm reduction” is hardly a fixed term. I got Narcan through a harm reduction program in OH that provides that and nothing else, and I carry it as an industrial first responder because we recruit a LOT of young people and, yes, it HAS come up. I’ve known heroin addicts professionally and personally and have gone back and forth on this and prayed on carrying Narcan, and discussed whether Narcan is a good or bad thing here many times, so I will not repeat. All I can say is that, to me, I will not let someone die if it is within my ability to prevent it, and Narcan places it within my ability in OD cases. Yes, they will likely learn nothing from it and go right back to it, I knew a husband/wife team that basically took turns narcing each other until one of them died, but there is ALWAYS that CHANCE that someone has a Damascus Road moment when they wake up angry and puking from death’s door and they actually find the Lord, as did the young man in the video here.

    It is for God to decide the worth of a person. It is for me to make it possible for them to live long enough to find Him, if I can.

    …but as for the rest, if it has needles, syringes, razor blades, lighters, spoons, all the other actual paraphanelia that is needed to actually USE the drug, then no, I could NOT support that. Narcan cannot be abused for a high, all it does is end one. Helping people GET the high is a different subject entirely, and scarcely does ANYTHING to “reduce harm”. The various devices will also litter the street and possbly end up in the hands (or feet) of a child, so for those and many other reasons, items like that are never appropriate as they facilitate suicide instead of prevent it.

    I suspect it’s the latter. Words are slippery things around liberals, and in the case of people like this, “Harm Reduction” is most likely anything but. The young man in the video makes an excellent point, if its so good, why don’t they hand it out where THEY live instead of where HE does?

    If they say its because they don’t have drug addicts there, they are only making his point.

    Addicts need help.

    Pushers need shot.

    That’s my two cents, pretty worthless when adjusted for inflation, I know, and you know what opinions are like…

  5. @beachmom: Yeah, the GG bridge is a San Francisco icon, if you go, walk over the bridge and back, you will really get the flavor of San Francisco. If you head towards Muir Woods, there’s a nude beach you can stand above and view. Take eye bleach with you….frequented by gays. You will see plenty of stuff in San Francisco.

  6. @ Supernightshade: “It is for God to decide the worth of a person. It is for me to make it possible for them to live long enough to find Him, if I can.”

    Jeremiah 1 1: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

    If I am to take God at his word, then God is the one ultimately who will put the Holy Spirit in their heart and mind so that they may know God. The burden for others salvation does not lie with us. We are all afforded the same opportunity to know God. Just call upon his name.

  7. The same in NY engineered by Huckster Hochul, aka Kickback Kathy along with Mayor Uncle Eric Adams. The (black) Uncle Eric is employed by the mega-racist Joe Biden to turn against and kyll his own people by offering Huckster’s and Joe Biden’s “empowering” free crack pipes, free heroin, and free fentanyl, and to use and OD all in open-air shooting galleries and crack dens.


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