‘Free’ Snack From Delta Airlines Ends Up Costing Woman $500 In Fines – IOTW Report

‘Free’ Snack From Delta Airlines Ends Up Costing Woman $500 In Fines

KFI: They say there’s no such thing as a free lunch and Crystal Tadlock is learning that lesson the hard way.

According to a report from Fox 31 Denver, the Colorado woman was on her way back to the United States after a trip to Paris, France when flight attendants began passing out apples in a plastic bags as a snack. Tadlock says she stored the fruit in her carry-on for later, in case she got hungry during the second leg of her trip.

But when she arrived in the U.S., agents pulled her aside for a random screening and discovered the apple in the plastic bag with Delta’s logo on it. When asked about the fruit, Tadlock explained the airline had been passing them out and asked if she could throw it away, or eat it.  more

SNIP: Wow. Is Delta getting a cut of that $500?

30 Comments on ‘Free’ Snack From Delta Airlines Ends Up Costing Woman $500 In Fines

  1. My mother, who remarried and lives in Canada (it’s right across the river from me) was going to work and was randomly selected for a Custom Inspection. During the inspection they found an Egg roll that was left over from a meal she was taking for her lunch. They threatened her with a fine though they didn’t do it. They did relieve her of her Egg roll and as a disciplinary action took away her Nexus Card.(a Nexus Card is for a speedy transaction, basically a quick pass, that she had to apply for and go through screening for approval). Meanwhile there are large semis laden with Canadian trash filled with banned products and medical waste coming over everyday to our landfills here in Michigan but we can’t stop them from coming because of the Federal Commerce laws. The egg roll had tiny bits of meat in it

  2. Imagine if this happened and you argued with the petty scumbag and it got loud. You’d quickly get tackled by half the security staff at the airport and be imprisoned for who knows how long.
    This was a jobs program for the low achievers out there and some carry a chip on their shoulders.

  3. Better use the toilet on the plane would not want to bring in hazardous waste.
    This must have been a produce violation, probably not a high value item.

  4. These regulations have been in effect for years people. The customs guy wouldn’t know where she got the apple. So what if its in a Delta bag, she didnt declare it. If she had he wouldn’t have fined her $500. Just told her to toss it. Simple as that. There are signs saying you can’t bring certain things into a country. He’s doing our country a great service. Food and plants can carry diseases. Diseases that can be brought in accidentally or on purpose to harm or jeopardize our crops or livestock animals. You all sound like a bunch of liberals on this subject. Sheesh! City people!
    p.s. AA waiting for you sweetie

  5. Not Delta’s fault this time. For once.
    Gubberment TSA and Customs.
    FedGov hiring = lowest common denominator.
    “Can you breathe?”
    “Can you walk upright?”
    “Yer hired”

  6. This wouldn’t be a problem if the goddam hippies hadn’t forced the airlines to serve raw fruit. And the lady should consider flying with a hijab if she doesn’t want to be hassled.

  7. Apples are just a gateway.
    Today these women are smuggling apples and next thing you know they’re smuggling kilos of black tar heroin.
    Or weapons of mass destruction.
    I’m glad they caught her before it got really ugly.

  8. This has been a law for some time, and I take it seriously. Last month I presented Chad, obviously a fruit seated two rows in front of me, for inspection. I hope he was able to get in the country later.

  9. She said she wasn’t allowed to throw it away or eat it.
    Remember, the apple was only found because it was a ‘random check’. So obviously, some dangerously evil fruit is floating around this country right this very minute1!!!1
    Sounds like a Delta problem for serving fruit that would be confiscated. It’s an American company, don’t they know any better?
    Also, fruit is served or sold right inside airports in this country in all states. I don’t hear any bitching about that at ‘random checks’. California, as an example, is bitchy about fruit being brought in from other states, or Mexico. California has a ‘fruit check’ a few miles inside the Nevada / California border, yet no one actually checks your car.

    “When asked about the fruit, Tadlock explained the airline had been passing them out and asked if she could throw it away, or eat it.

    But, the Customs agent allegedly told her ‘no’ and went on to fine her for having the undeclared apple. “

  10. They’ll continue to treat people badly until people refuse to continue to tolerate it. I’d rather crawl to my destination than be treated in that shabby way.

  11. We’re driving to DC for my daughter’s graduation. We could fly but by the time we spend 45 minutes driving to the airport, kill a couple hours waiting to depart, an hour 20 minutes or more waiting to get off the ground cramped in 2 seats, 45 minutes flying, another 15 minutes getting to our slip to disembark, walking to get our luggage, 20 minutes to get a rental car and driving to our destination why bother? Instead we’ll drive, enjoy the countryside and mountain scenery, stop and visit some friends. No stress. Flying sucks now days. You are treated like cattle. The TSA is a pain in the neck. Planes are flying petri dishes. I avoid them like the plague and I’m a pilot!

  12. She should be glad she didn’t have to face the Beagle Squad! When we flew back direct from Amsterdam to Seattle, we were given customs forms to fill out as we approached our destination. The flight attendants collected them and told us–in no uncertain terms–that food products WERE NOT ALLOWED in our carry-ons. They then came through with garbage bags to collect ANY contraband food products, with another warning. Before disembarking we were given yet another chance to toss any remaining food items in the trash before heading up the jetway. Then we were ushered into a large room and told by Customs Agents to place ALL carry-ons against the wall, and move to the other side of the room. I didn’t know what that was all about until THE BEAGLES came in! HAH! The Beagle Squad walked down the line of carry-ons and if there was food in any of them the Beagles sat down in front of the bag. The startled gasp from the stupid passengers was hilarious! At each bag with a sitting Beagle, the Agents found oranges, apples, bananas–you name it. No Mercy! I will never try to smuggle anything in the country as long as the Beagles are part of the Customs Office. You can’t fool them!

    p.s. maybe it was because we were coming from Amsterdam instead of Paris!

  13. As I came back from Ecuador, I was given an apple on the airplane and decided to eat it later. I forgot about it till I was in line for customs. Then I saw the cute little beagle walking around. He came up to me and sat down, so cute. Then the handler, not so cute, took me to the Special check out. They asked if I had to declare anything. I handed over my apple, they trashed it , checked me out and I was done before the others on the plane. I think they should announce this on the plane because all people who fly, like me, don’t know these rules!!! I guess I was lucky that dogs love me.

  14. @The Rat Fink April 23, 2018 at 7:25 am

    > I’ll go out on a limb here and say it wouldn’t surprise me if Delta steps up to the plate and pays her for her troubles.

    Because paying a “couple guys” with an aluminum bat, a chain saw… and a tarp (to remedy her troubles for the rest of us) is more expensive?

  15. If you spend a couple of weeks out of the country, on your return you are smuggling live, foreign bacteria back into the country.

    In your ass. You’ve been colonized.

    The apple could be washed. Your ass…

  16. @Tony R April 23, 2018 at 10:42 am

    There’ll be “due” process. This is a republic! Not some turd world dictatorship.

    Somebody who gets paid a cut of the “fine” will decide if they (the deciderer and the professional complainer) will get to split the “fine”. And the “fees” paid in addition to the “fine” for complaining about the professional complaining for the “fine” will be split with the deciderer and the deciderer’s bosses. And you can feel “free” to pay agin for an appeal.

    See? Payment for “process” due.

  17. putting on my tin foil hat, but…..
    I fly maybe 5 or 6 times a year. Sometimes i receive a TSA precheck ticket, sometimes i dont. When i do, easy peesy, right thru the line. But when i don’t, the porno scanner ALWAYS flags me for explosive/chem residue on the small of my back, right side. (i conceal carry, but not when i am flying, and yes, I shower regularly!!) The first couple of times i didn’t think too much on it, but as it has kept happening over the last several years, I grow suspicious. The image on the TSA scanner shows the exact same yellow blob each time. Hmmmm…..
    AS I am known to the Feds as:
    a Trump supporter,
    a gun owner,
    An NRA member,
    A lib basher on social media, etc….
    It wouldn’t surprise me in the least to find out i have been single out for harassment by TSA. Same image, same location, EVERY SINGLE TIME.
    Big brother IS watching.

  18. Every petty bureaucrat considers themselves part of the ruling class whose subject you are, and it’s not clear they’re entirely wrong. Fed up yet?


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