Free Speech Activists Released After 72 -Hour Detention By British Authorities – IOTW Report

Free Speech Activists Released After 72 -Hour Detention By British Authorities

CTH: I was waiting to see where this story went, and to hear first-hand from the two people arrested and detained in British prison for daring to want to interview Tommy Robinson, before coming to a conclusion.  In essence two people were stopped, arrested and detained in U.K. prison for having incorrect thoughts as defined by the British government.

The story was such an Orwellian outline; my initial skepticism told me there had to be more to these second and third-hand accounts.  Alas, unfortunately the facts are as disturbing as initially outlined.

Austrian political activist Martin Sellner belongs to a group called Génération Identitaire, a national political group who advocate for national identity.  Mr. Sellner’s girlfriend is an American author and ‘YouTuber’ named Brittany Pettibone.  They were stopped from entering England by British authorities because they were going to interview a British nationalist called Tommy Robinson.

Being stopped from being allowed to interview Tommy Robinson, a person who has not committed any crime and is in all other aspects a free citizen, is bad enough;  however, what is exponentially worse is that U.K. authorities forcibly separated Mr. Sellner and Ms. Pettibone and imprisoned them – while admitting their incarceration was entirely because they were going to speak to someone.

Think about that.  MORE

8 Comments on Free Speech Activists Released After 72 -Hour Detention By British Authorities

  1. There’s a glass half full side to this. With refusing to allow both Brittany Pettibone AND Lauren Southern (who was turned away today) into Britain, are they not in their own way agreeing with Donald Trump’s position that a sovereign nation has the right to refuse entry to whomever it chooses? You know, the same Donald Trump position that London’s Jihad-loving Mayor got the vapors over?

  2. I want names. I want photos of the people who made these decisions to imprison/refuse entry. And then I want to make them international laughingstocks in the public square of the internet. Let’s go!

  3. Dianny@
    Yes, after all, we physically denied the Redcoats access to this country on two different occasions (we whipped their sorry asses)! Then with total generosity, we saved their putrid rear ends twice! Serve, set and match!


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