Free stuff for the homeless doesn’t work out the way Oakland’s ‘tiny houses’ advocates thought it would – IOTW Report

Free stuff for the homeless doesn’t work out the way Oakland’s ‘tiny houses’ advocates thought it would

American Thinker:
By Monica Showalter

Seems the idea of “free homes” for the homeless, touted as a panacea to end the problem, isn’t quite working out the way its advocates said it would.

In Oakland, at a concentrated community of “tiny homes,” given out by the city to the homeless, the result was this, according to The Oaklandside:

A fire Monday morning incinerated three tiny-home shelters at a city-run transitional-housing site at E. 12th Street and 2nd Avenue, across from Lake Merritt.

Nobody was injured, according to authorities, but five people who were living in the scorched shelters were displaced. A fourth tiny-home was damaged as well.

Oakland Fire Department Chief of Staff Michael J. Hunt said the cause of the fire, which began around 10 a.m., is under investigation. Twenty firefighters responded to the incident and got the fire under control by 10:30 a.m. Thick smoke from the blaze could be seen from downtown Oakland and neighborhoods around the lake.

And it looked like this:

20 Comments on Free stuff for the homeless doesn’t work out the way Oakland’s ‘tiny houses’ advocates thought it would

  1. Stop enabling the bad behavior. Stop squandering money to “save” people from themselves. No more “free stuff”, no drugs, no medical care or intervention when it reaches its natural conclusion. Don’t have to lock up addicts, but each and every crime gets a stint in the slammer. Addict? Of course you are, doesn’t matter. NO Medical Interventions or mitigations.

  2. Saw this a the time in Section 8 apartment buildings. One complex we covered put all their requred Section 8 residents in a single building, and guess which building always had the drug fores, mattress fires, electrical fires from folks trying to steal copper, no batteries in the fire alarms because they were stolen, and all the fire extinguishers emptied out for a laugh?

    The car fires could be fun too, sometimes because hoopties, sometimes because thugs, but no one EVER saw nothin’.

    The cooking fires could be epic too, not only because of neglectful drug users, but also from little kids trying to fix themselves something because Moms was too toasted, with a guy, or simply absent at the time.

    …its almost like if you give someone something for free and guve them something else for free if the first something is destroyed, like they don’t respect it or appreciate it if they don’t have any sweat equity into it…

  3. “How can you keep a crapload of baseball cards while you’re homeless?”

    I had to laugh, thinking he lost a Honus Wagner card amongst his collection (one sold for over $6 million a year ago). Yeah, I’m an asshole.

  4. Conservative Cowgirl
    MARCH 22, 2022 AT 9:21 PM
    “@SNS, “hoopties”. 😂 I haven’t heard that since I worked in Long Beach”

    …I was never quite sure what the etymology of that word was or if it had a particular origin, but its usage was always for a very specific, and not very good, type of car that was in very poor mechanical and electrical shape but almost ALWAYS had nice wheels on it and whitewall tires back when THAT was a “thing”…

  5. There is a reason why these people are homeless. When I was in college in the mid-80s, I lived in downtown Oakland in one of the cheesy apartment buildings down there. One of my neighbors worked for the post office. His wife was in a wheelchair collecting disability. They were odd to begin with. But one year, they decided to develop a crack addiction. Their behavior became increasingly more bizarre. Apparently, they weren’t paying rent for a couple of months. One day, the asshole tried to mug me as I walked out of my apartment to the stairs.

    This was a white guy who up until recently had acted like Casper Milquetoast on all our meetings in the halls. He actually grabbed me, and I kicked him in the shins and ran off down the stairs. I told the complex manager, and she was pissed. She had the couple out on the sidewalk in two days. They were broke, and therefore homeless. The next week, she sent up workman to prep the apartment for a new tenant. It was appalling. The guy had neglected his wife; so she had been pissing on the floor for weeks. There was shit smeared on the walls. And the place was a complete wreck beyond that. They had to rip up all the floors, scrub and paint the walls, and replace plumbing and appliances that the crackhead had sold for base.

    I remember talking to the manager about the appalling smell, because I was right next door. She said something I still remember: “Some people just aren’t fit to live indoors.” So true.

  6. “… doesn’t work out the way Oakland’s ‘tiny houses’ advocates thought it would.”

    What the fuck do they care. Fucking lowlife piece of shits are never held accountable for fucking the dog anyway.

  7. Well, on the bright side they had heat for a while.
    What seemed odd to me was he had one of the tiny units for storage, the one that blew.
    Something ain’t right here. Now off to the hotel. Who’s paying the bills?


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