Vol. 04 From Cradle to Grave.
The welfare state arises from the attempt to do good with other people’s money. Such attempts always fail because: Nobody spends somebody else’s money as carefully as his own. Welfare is supply driven. Those spending the money use force to collect it and to insure those receiving it use it for ”right” purposes. Good intentions are corrupted by bad means.
Friedman visits U.S. and Britain. Discussion Participants: Robert McKenzie, Moderator; Milton Friedman; James R. Dumpson, Chief Administrator, Human Resources Admin., NYC; Thomas Sowell, Professor of Economics, UCLA; Robert Lampman, Professor of Economics, Institute of Poverty; Helen Bohen O’Bannon, Secretary of Welfare, State of Pennsylvania.
It should be noted that those participating in such “discussions” are largely those who install poverty from the jump, not to mention grasping politicians who feed from the misery of others.
They continue to tax us in to poverty….. but at least they are not keeping us three days from starvation….. yet!
Civilization and the welfare state cannot coexist, ever.
Not only is it OPM, it is PROFITABLE to those connected.
That money is not being spent judiciously.