Free To Choose – Anatomy of Crisis – IOTW Report

Free To Choose – Anatomy of Crisis

Free To Choose 1980 – Vol. 03

The Great Depression has been popularly viewed as a failure of capitalism. The stock market crash, the failure of the Bank of the United States, loss of personal savings, were visible symbols supporting this belief. As Friedman explains, the real cause was the unseen failure of government policy and action. Yet this crisis resulting from government failure leads to decades of government expansion.

Discussion Participants: Robert McKenzie, Moderator; Milton Friedman; Robert Lekachman, Professor of Economics, City University, New York; Nicholas Von Hoffman, Syndicated Columnist; Peter Temin, Professor of Economics, MIT; Peter Jay, British Ambassador to the United States, 1977-1979.

4 Comments on Free To Choose – Anatomy of Crisis

  1. Is there a way to send these bot ads for internet jobs to some kind of moderation based on key words? “Job” and Jobs” seems to be consistent key words in them. Then tell legit commenters to stop using the words to avoid moderation.

  2. AA, not sure why you care. Usually the “name” alone puts me in skip ot mode. For some reason though, that one named jassica really set my teeth on edge
    ……. weird, just the name.

  3. The communist idiot in the video has been proven wrong time and again if only since 1980. The problem with the basic premise is that government of any type is an illusion and economics is a fact. An economy can only survive with a moral people and we are not one. If we were, we would hang all of the illusionists.


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