Freedom Caucus Chairman Good takes shot at Speaker Johnson: ‘Don’t assume you have our votes’ – IOTW Report

Freedom Caucus Chairman Good takes shot at Speaker Johnson: ‘Don’t assume you have our votes’

Good was very critical of the continuing resolution for it not including border security measures. 

18 Comments on Freedom Caucus Chairman Good takes shot at Speaker Johnson: ‘Don’t assume you have our votes’

  1. Instead of “Don’t assume you have our votes” how about “If it doesn’t secure the border your f███ing continuing resolution is f███ing dead, dead, dead.”

  2. Soften us up for a Chinese/Russian/Norko/Iranian invasion:

    Disease-X pandemic with massive lockdowns.

    False-flag induced martial law with travel restrictions.

    Thousands of pre-programmed killer drones launched from docked cargo ships to attack infrastructure.

    100,000+ armed illegal aliens trained and equipped in the cartel border zone.

    Coordinated and simultaneous attack on America’s international bases and facilities.

    Orbital attack of EMP weapons in key regions to cripple America’s power grid and disable electronic devices.

    Monetary collapse. Government collapse.

    Ultimatums followed by Blue Helmets… followed by a whole lot of Chinese helmets.

  3. Just following orders, Mr T said he wants no bills passed to make Mr B look bad. Everyone knows Mr T’s brain fart plan so the only ones looking bad are his tards party.

  4. Sorry to say;

    The liberal ASSWIPES feel very threatened by Trump’s present position and those same asswipes are willing to go to any extreme to prevent ‘orange man’ from getting back in the White House.

  5. I would rather be an asswipe than an ‘orange man’ ass-licker. And then there is always that Seal 6 Strike Team. But have faith, I see no way the Supreme Court will grant his claim of total Presidential immunity, for that would give Joe Biden total immunity too, hence, to send in that Seal 6 Strike Team.

  6. @Brad:

    Uncle Al

    I’m starting to think that open border is their number one priority over everything else.

    Barky the Brown Kenyan promised to transform America. Nothing else has had as strong an effect at doing just that than orchestrating the unopposed illegal alien invasion.

  7. What’s the difference between Johnson and McCarthy, or even Pelosi? What’s the point of supporting Republicans if the “leadership” takes a dump on their constituents as soon as they gain a majority?

  8. Supporting “Republicans” is a complete sucker’s game. Individual candidates, yes. But the “party” of Ronna Romney, McConnell and the rest of the scumbags? NO WAY. VERIFY, VERIFY, VERIFY.

  9. Being ‘anonymous’ is Obutthole’s trademark.

    Sit behind the curtains, call the shots and pretend like you’re sooooo innocent, all the while, not taking the blame for your own fuck-ups, stupidity and egregious implementations.

    Pity is in order but I’ll trade that term for cowardice.

  10. “Welcome Back My Friends to the Show that Never Ends”
    All a show for the media, in the end they’ll cave and pass the bill.
    It’s only another $1.7 TRILLION,
    With another $65.5 Billion for Ukraine.


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