Freedom Caucus Rep. Bob Good Skewers McCarthy, Will Support Andy Biggs for Speaker – IOTW Report

Freedom Caucus Rep. Bob Good Skewers McCarthy, Will Support Andy Biggs for Speaker

National File:

Freedom Caucus Rep. Bob Good (VA-5) has spoken out against GOP establishment leader Kevin McCarthy’s candidacy for Speaker of the House, blasting his failures as Minority Leader and throwing his support behind a fellow Freedom Caucus member, Rep. Andy Biggs.

Rep. Good announced his support for Andy Biggs (AZ-5) as Speaker of the House in a Newsmax interview with Sean Spicer, ripping the failures of Kevin McCarthy and the GOP establishment as a disservice to the American People.

Good told Spicer that he refuses to “go along with the same leadership team” that has given Congress a “top-down leadership system,” locking the American people out of the legislative process and stopping real governmental reform from taking place.

“We can’t just be Democrat-light,” Rep. Good said. “We can’t just be not as bad as the Democrats.” MORE

3 Comments on Freedom Caucus Rep. Bob Good Skewers McCarthy, Will Support Andy Biggs for Speaker

  1. I’m glad to have Bob Good as my congressman, but he’s a pretty lonely soldier it seems. It looks like business as usual going forward.

    Rule One: If you assume the title of Speaker, one should be able to speak, which disqualifies Kevin McCarthy.

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