Freedom Caucus to Pelosi: We Will Oppose Funding Federal Government While ‘Unconstitutional’ Vaccine Mandates Continue – IOTW Report

Freedom Caucus to Pelosi: We Will Oppose Funding Federal Government While ‘Unconstitutional’ Vaccine Mandates Continue

Breitbart: The House Freedom Caucus formally informed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Tuesday that its members will not vote to fund the federal government while the Biden administration maintains vaccine mandates on government and private sector employees.

The conservative group wrote in a letter to the speaker that it views the coronavirus vaccine mandates as “unconstitutional” and divisive, and they warned their implementation would result in mass job losses that destroy livelihoods and threaten national security.

The caucus noted as an example that “thousands of men and women in uniform are thus far choosing not to meet the recent COVID-19 vaccination requirements imposed by DoD [the Department of Defense].”

“It is absurd to threaten to discharge – honorably or dishonorably – anyone in our military for making that choice,” the caucus continued. “In addition, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) could lose hundreds, or even thousands, of its border patrol agents due to federal vaccination requirements while our southern border is in crisis.” The group noted the same concern applies to law enforcement officers, defense contractors, and other federal workers. more

10 Comments on Freedom Caucus to Pelosi: We Will Oppose Funding Federal Government While ‘Unconstitutional’ Vaccine Mandates Continue

  1. Bravo! But the reality will be that they will be painted in the media as un-American domestic terrorists playing God with the lives of marginalized peoples holding up vital government services because of their worship of the almighty dollar and hatred of everyone who is not white, male, hetero and Christian.

  2. I’m not a politician (praise the Good Lord above) but why do they make an announcement instead of just holding fast ? Seems to me that if you spring this news on Nasty Nancy on the day of the vote, she might just permanently malfunction.

  3. This does nothing to stop the RINOs in the house voting for all democrat destructive economic initiatives.
    The GOP House leader, McCarthy does nothing to rein in the betrayers or limit their committee assignments.
    McCarthy is Boehner/Ryan lite.

  4. American goes on, Bill to keeping it running passed the House. Meantime the virus marches on, hopefully that pill (whatever it is, it’s not ivermectin, thats been out) will be available soon.

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