French Baker Uses Woman’s Urine From Public Toilets to Make Bread – IOTW Report

French Baker Uses Woman’s Urine From Public Toilets to Make Bread


Paris: Adding to the list of bizarre 2020 stories is of a French baker who has been collecting woman’s urine from public toilets to bake bread! Yes, Louise Raguet, an engineer and ‘ecofeminist’ recently revealed that she regularly collects urine from public urinals for women in 14th Arrondissement of Paris and uses it in the popular “Boucle d’Or” or Goldilocks bread.

Raguet said she dilutes the urine at least 20 times before using it to fertilise the bread. Well, she has a reason for that, which actually makes some sense, from a scientific viewpoint.

36 Comments on French Baker Uses Woman’s Urine From Public Toilets to Make Bread

  1. “It’s a neglected liquid, usually dismissed as a waste. Should be treated like a gold mine,” Raguet was quoted by New York Post, adding that urine has nitrogen, potassium, and many other nutrients that plants extract from the soil.

    Take it a step farther, Louise. Your body has all those nutrients plus a lot more, and plants could use them all much better than you seem to be doing. As an engineer and “ecofeminist” this misuse of valuable materials should really offend you. Wouldn’t Gaia be better off if you turned yourself into fertilizer?

  2. Someone has posted here that it is incomprehensible to people who have not experienced the utter degeneracy of progs first hand just how filthy and disgusting they are. Oh yea, it was me. Trust me, there is nothing they are not capable of when they put what is left of their mind to it.

  3. They did a study and they found that they can make 29 million loaves of urine pastries a day from French piss.
    I am going to stay away from French bread. We are in a trade war.

  4. the Romans valued the properties of urine so much that they actually taxed it & collected urine as tribute
    it was know as ‘Pecunia non olet’ (latin for: money doesn’t stink)

    (from more than a decade, working in the sewers, there was a phrase I heard at least once a day: ‘it may smell like shit to you, but it’s bread & butter to me!’)

    btw … guess who’s bread I ain’t partaking of?


    What does she use for bread or jam or mayo? Underarm sweat, feces, jock sweat, boogers?

    I suppose she never washes her hands before cooking or leaving the restroom.

  6. @ systemically confused JULY 15, 2020 AT 2:45 AM

    You are a little late to the game. Seattle has a whole shiteaters subculture. They had an article about it in The Stranger or one of their other periodicals about ten years ago.

  7. Must be a real treat with some Kopi luwak coffee in the morning. That’s cat poop coffee produced from beans collected from the feces of a civet cat… supposedly the world’s most expensive coffee. Obviously for people with more money than brains!

  8. Silly frogs!

    Little wonder that “Eat Shit!” isn’t an insult to them! They smile knowingly and nod their heads.
    Frog “cuisine” indeed!
    Back in the old days we used to say “Garbage In; Garbage Out” but apparently the frogs don’t feel the same.

    This may have been influenced by the frogs’ subjugation by moslems.
    Or it could be a natural consequence of nihilism.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. With the French it always comes back to the phrase “Urine in trouble now.” No wonder they’re cheese eating/urine soaked surrender monkees. Is that why they’re cheese always tastes so funky? Bread and cheese now flavored with vitamin Pee.

  10. Anyone remember the stories of Twat yeast Beer & Bread that the feminists were using were using:

    Search: “Feminist blogger boldly makes bread with yeast from her own vagina”


    “Take a sweet, sour sip of the world’s first vagina beer”

    Must be part of a bigger plan to make men miserable;
    No TV and No Beer make Homer Go Crazy…

  11. Sign seen in a French rest room:

    ║ ...It makes them soggy and hard to light... ║
    ║ .....not to mention spoiling the bread..... ║

  12. BAD – BRAD

    lawyers killed the best Sour Dough bakery about 40years ago! Larrabaru. Was great!

    Im old but I remember it well. Best sour dough ever!
    50 years ago every time I went to NoCl I bought a few loaves!
    sued out of existence!

    I generally don’t like lawyers; here is a reason


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