French Churches Under Attack, But Media and Politicians Remain Apathetic – IOTW Report

French Churches Under Attack, But Media and Politicians Remain Apathetic

WFB: French churches are increasingly under threat from arson and desecration, but the government and press continue to provide little coverage of these attacks.

According to statistics highlighted by the Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe in an email to the Washington Free Beacon, there has been an increase of about 250 percent in attacks on Christian sites in France between 2008 and 2018.

Ellen Fantini, who directs the Observatory, told the Free Beacon that under-reporting is a serious problem when calculating the number of attacks on Christian sites, noting that churches are often busy with other matters and prefer to move on, while the press thinks the incidents are minor.


France is better documented because, unlike most European countries, it produces official figures on anti-Christian bias, but even those may be misleading. Fantini believes the reported number of incidents is low, possibly because many Catholic churches are owned by the French government and therefore are “not even counted because they’re put into the figures of government buildings.” read more

5 Comments on French Churches Under Attack, But Media and Politicians Remain Apathetic

  1. Just like in the USA
    The MSM and leftist politicos
    Will tell you nothing of the
    Treachery of the moslem pigs
    Blame their violence on your
    lack of


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