French, German Leaders Warn Populations “Prepare For Total Cut-Off Of Russian Gas” As Social Unrest Looms – IOTW Report

French, German Leaders Warn Populations “Prepare For Total Cut-Off Of Russian Gas” As Social Unrest Looms

Zero Hedge:

European populations are bracing for a frigid upcoming winter amid an impending avalanche of high energy costs and emerging inflation. On Sunday French Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire warned that Russia is poised to totally halt gas supplies to Europe and that people must now “prepare”.

“Let’s prepare for a total cut-off of Russian gas; Today that is the most likely option,” Le Maire told an audience at an economic conference in Aix-en-Provence.

He later additionally explained to reporters, “You also have to prepare load-shedding plans, we are doing it. It means looking in a very specific way at each company, each employment area; Which are the companies that should reduce their energy consumption and which are the ones that cannot.” more

16 Comments on French, German Leaders Warn Populations “Prepare For Total Cut-Off Of Russian Gas” As Social Unrest Looms

  1. Anything to push the agenda and blame someone else.
    Just what the global socialist want. Do you think they care how many die.
    Covid, vaccine, fentanyl, suiside, abortions, human trafficking……
    War is faster.

  2. Plenty of Oil, Propane, natty Gas, & Coal in North America, the Arctic, Off shore, not to mention Venezuela & Iran(i don’t support them) who have been held off the market for a very long time.

    Fuck em’ they should have figured it out EVEN BEFORE TRUMP.

    Completely politically made recession with Coof as the excuse & artificially created fuel shortages & prices,

    It will take 20 years to fix this shit regardless of who is in power.

  3. Kcir
    “Fuck em’ they should have figured it out EVEN BEFORE TRUMP.”
    They had this all planned before Trump, Trump blew the algorithm and defeated KIllary.
    That’s why they had to cheat harder in 2020.

  4. These morons in the French And German governments are the ones that have done this to their people. Wonder if any reporters have asked any of them just how well their sanctions are working out for them….

  5. How weak, incompetent and arrogant the western ‘leaders’ are… Unless they are executing a plan to destroy all western civilization. Unfortunately we don’t get to know the answer, we just get to deal with the consequences.

  6. “Prepare” how? Stocking firewood? Do any urban Europeans have fireplaces? Buy cheap Chinese electric heaters with electricity rates skyrocketing, not to mention fire hazards or can their infrastructure support the electrical drain?

    Don’t worry, I’m sure their politicians will have plenty of heat, and food, and electricity for their EV charging, etc…

  7. Doesn’t France rank first as the country that produces the most electricity from nuclear power? I am not sure how Europeans heat their homes and offices but I’m sure many use the mini splits which are prevalent there. So my question is why can’t France share the wealth and reduce the pain? Or will the EU use this as an excuse to build more windmills and solar panels?

  8. @Kcir – cause i give a Kcuf July 10, 2022 at 11:23 pm

    > It will take 20 years to fix this shit regardless of who is in power.

    Only if those who support those who brought them here, have a “place at the table”.

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