French President: Stop Talking About Green Electricity Blackouts – IOTW Report

French President: Stop Talking About Green Electricity Blackouts

Breitbart – French President Emmanuel Macron chastised public utility and energy companies for scaring the public with “absurd scenarios” of potential blackouts this winter.

Rather than addressing the underlying reasons contributing to the burgeoning energy crisis in France and indeed across Europe, President Macron called for an out of sight, out of mind approach to potential power cuts this winter.

Speaking from an EU-Western Balkans summit in Tirana, Albania on Tuesday, Macron bluntly said “stop all this” in reference to discussions surrounding the energy crisis. The French president said that institutions such as the publicly-owned Réseau de Transport d’Électricité (RTE) energy utility firm should not “govern by fear”.

“The role of the government, ministers, operators is to do their job to provide energy, that’s all. And then to call everyone to responsibility so that there is sobriety. It’s not to start scaring people with absurd scenarios and things like the ones I’ve heard in recent hours,” Macron said according to broadcaster BFMTTV.

“We are a great country, we have a great energy model,” he continued, assuring that “we will hold on this winter despite the war. So, I ask everyone to do their job.” MORE

12 Comments on French President: Stop Talking About Green Electricity Blackouts

  1. Keep in mind that France, WELL BEFORE MACARONI, has always had a very GOOD & innovative nuclear electricity program.

    They never fell behind like Canada, USA, Germany, Japan, & many other western countries. They have always invested in power plants & Re-enriching spent fuel. Slightly Less reliant on Gas & Oil than most.

    French Version of Turdeau & Jacinda Arseface had NOTHING to do with it. He’s just taking credit.

  2. “Nothing to see here, plebes!”

    How about these so called leaders set an example where if even one of their cotizens is without heat or power, then they go without until AFTER tje problem is resolved.

  3. He’s preaching to his choir.
    I don’t speak French and the few words I thought I knew I found I couldn’t spell them.
    Those folks are nuts just like the ones from Quebec.

  4. …French president said that institutions…should not “govern by fear”.


    Oh, Macron! You crack me up! You really think by saying that we’d somehow unlearn that fear is the single most important component of governing? It is ESSENTIAL. It is CENTRAL. As you frogs might say, fear is the sine qua non of governing!

  5. Maricon wants to keep the Frogs quiet.
    Doesn’t want a replay of all that 1789 shit – especially if it’s his head on the block.
    Feed em shit and keep em in the dark.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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