French told not to fear wolves roaming Paris streets as ‘they only eat four-legged animals’ – IOTW Report

French told not to fear wolves roaming Paris streets as ‘they only eat four-legged animals’

Mirror UK:

French people have been told not to fear wolves roaming Paris streets – as “they only eat four-legged animals”.

Parisians are frightened that the endangered beasts – which have fought back from near extinction in the 1930s – are now within howling distance of the capital.

Indeed the discovery of paw prints, messy droppings and late-night howls from wolves – a distant relative of the domestic pet dog – are reported to be a now frequent occurrence in the city’s suburbs.

While they are known to normally hunt in packs – when they are notoriously most dangerous – only lone wolves have been spotted so far wandering its streets.


SNIP: I know I’m reading wolves, but I keep thinking islam.

21 Comments on French told not to fear wolves roaming Paris streets as ‘they only eat four-legged animals’

  1. Turn pigs loose throughout Paris. The great exodus of the Muslims will scare the wolves away. Pigs are easy to “herd.” Then round them up and establish pig farms on a perimeter around Paris to keep other Muslims out. Has added benefit of creating jobs and perhaps bring down prices of pork products.

  2. train the wolves to eat muzzies.
    Problem solved.I love pork BBQ!
    Grew up with Maurice Bessinger’s Piggy Park
    in Charleston,SC.Mustard based sauce YUM-YUM.
    You can get it on the web.

  3. sooooooo … you’re sayin’ that when you’re a tourist in Paris, you should bring along your cat …. just in case you need a diversion …

    frankly, I can think of no better use for a cat … 🙂

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