“Friends” star Matthew Perry dead at 54 in apparent drowning – IOTW Report

“Friends” star Matthew Perry dead at 54 in apparent drowning

PM: Actor Matthew Perry, who played Chandler Bing on the iconic 1990s sitcom Friends, had died at 54. The cause of death is an apparent drowning.

TMZ reports that law enforcement found Perry in the jacuzzi at his California home near Los Angeles. First-responders rushed to the scene after being notified of a potential cardiac arrest. more here

53 Comments on “Friends” star Matthew Perry dead at 54 in apparent drowning

  1. “Apparent” drowning.

    Most news sources I’ve seen was that it was a cardiac arrest in a Jacuzzi.

    A cardiac arrest and a drowning are not the same thing.

    You CAN have a cardiac arrest subsequent TO a drowning, but rarely in a Jacuzzi, if you aren’t drugged or drunk, and most reports say he wasn’t.

    So the way I read it, this 54 year old had a sudden cardiac arrest in a hot tub, and resuscitation efforts were not successful.

    An autopsy will show that pretty quick. Dead people are not noted for breathing, so no water in lungs = didn’t drown, but died BEFORE going under.

    It’s certainly not impossible for an outwardly healthy 54 yo to have a heart attack, but it’s also kinda suspicious in a profession that REQUIRES a series of injections that are known for causing, among other things, everything from 1st degree AV blocks to myocarditis to full-on arrests.

    AKA “Died Suddenly”.

    I’m guessing the Jab got him.

    But given the fact that Democrat coroners refuse to even ask the question, we’ll probably never know…

  2. “I’m guessing the Jab got him.”

    A couple articles say he had his stomach lining removed due to alcohol and drugs. Gotta admit, that a new one on me. But you’re going with the jab huh?

  3. Possibly under the influence in his hot tub, fell over in a drugged-out stupor, and the final scene happened shortly after.

    It’s Hollywood, a place of drugs, broken dreams, and suicides. The people who work in the industry are to be pitied.

  4. He had substance abuse problems, and again even if he had beat it they very well could have done enough damage and caused enough weakness to make him prone to failure, but given that they pushed out a NEW Jab recently, he’s an actor, and he’s a Canadian, it definitely raises suspicion to me that throwing more broken glass and monkey poison into an already weakened system could very well be at the heart of what stopped his.

    But again, we’ll never know. In war the first casualty is truth, and they’ve been at war with us in earnest since 2020…

  5. Having your stomach lining removed to save your life seems a bit extreme to me. Look at his face. He killed himself with drugs and alcohol. I’m sure the jab didn’t help. But certainly not the issue. Dude even looks yellow in those pictures.

  6. Dear Lord, as you call another of Your creations home to you, we ask Your mercy and Your Grace on those close to him that he leaves in his wake. Comfort those family and friends in their hour of need, wrap Your arms around them, and let them turn their grief to fond remembrances and use the occasion of this passing as a reason to draw closer to You. It does not matter, in the end, why this man has passed, he has passed as we all must through the grave, but with faith in You there lies hope and salvation and a glorious getting-up morning on the other side, and each loss should remind us that what is cause for mourning for we who remain is truly a victory for those who came to You before the end.

    Please send Your Comfortor to those who feel the loss of one they loved now, that they may gain Heaven by allowing this experience to come closer to You.

    In the merciful name of Jesus I pray,

    God Bless,

  7. I enjoyed watching him but his drug issues were a problem even from the “friends” days. Vicodin
    He looked like hell for a person his age on his last TV show “The Odd Couple” and that was even with lighting & TV makeup.

    15 trips to Rehab and 9 million spent on trying to kick it. – he wrote a book.

    Rest well Canuck, I hope you find peace.

  8. There were some (apparently) healthy people in their 30s where I worked that died suddenly of heart attacks. At least one had a hidden heart defect, so it can happen. Plus, I’ve heard that 50 to 60 is heart attack alley for men.

  9. It just makes me sad. “Friends” was on during our roaring twenty something’s. Hits close to home in a different way than a favorite childhood actor from the 70’s or 80’s. Everything he did was enjoyable and it’s terrible he struggled with so many demons.

    To go along with SNS theory…if you read what happened on TMZ he was had “physical exertion” after playing pickleball. He sent his assistant out on an errand and when they returned they found him unresponsive in the hot tub.

    RIP “Chandler”

  10. Again, I’m not saying it can’t be a myriad of other things. Yes 51 yo men get heart attacks, and yes drug abuse and surgeries take their toll and can kill. And to Wild Bill’s point I once saw a very healthy 20something leave this world with what later turned out to be an undiagnosed aortic aneurysm, so stuff does indeed happen.

    All I’m saying is that you have to be suspicious when you lay a known cardiac poison like the Jab on top of all this other stuff, it calls into question what REALLY killed him (we all ultimately die of cardiac arrest, but what that cardiac arrest is SUBSEQUENT to is the sticking point), which IS rather important when you are talking about a man with millions of followers that may, among other things, take to heart his very positive public stance on the Clot Shot.

    I am mostly decrying the fact that we, the public, will have that information kept from us, if indeed THEY even know (it’s been my experience that the coroner does NOT explore this possibility), for political reasons even though such information on such a high profile person could in fact save many lives.

  11. I’m always surprised by the sense of importance placed on the lives of indulgent, selfish, court jesters. What value do they provide? The guy can’t stay sober, he has everything to live for, and he has to send assistants out on errands? It’s a wonder he lived this long.

  12. Illustr8r
    SATURDAY, 28 OCTOBER 2023, 23:32 AT 11:32 PM
    “Sarcasm and a clever smile won the day back in the day.”

    …does decades of experience with sarcasm make up for lacking the smile? Asking for a friend…

  13. “I am mostly decrying the fact that we, the public, will have that information kept from us, if indeed THEY even know (it’s been my experience that the coroner does NOT explore this possibility), for political reasons even though such information on such a high profile person could in fact save many lives.”

    Really? Prove to me the Maine shooter is dead. Or did our Government just save him for another day.

  14. I don’t know anything about the Maine shooter other than conflicting reports about him somehow suiciding with double tapping his own head. I can’t prove or disprove his death and wasn’t trying to, I thought we were talking about the Jab.

    Which I also can’t prove or disprove, so here we are…

  15. Open my link above. You can’t blame every death on the jab. Doing so facilitates people escaping personal responsibility. As this guy unfortunately did. To bad. Talented guy with no personal self control.

  16. Brad
    SATURDAY, 28 OCTOBER 2023, 23:54 AT 11:54 PM
    “Talented guy with no personal self control.”

    Creative people often have demons they try to drink and drug into silence, but it doesn’t work. Many also feel guilty on some level at the huge reward they get for literally pretending to be someone else and this, too, causes them to “try to do good” to mentally compensate and, when that fails, also turn to drugs and drink. He does look pretty sickly at your link, but again without an honest coroner we will never know.

    …so much better so many lives would be if only they would turn to the Lord instead of the bottle…

  17. Perry had a line of tee shirts adorned with the phrase, “Could I be any more vaccinated?”

    I’m not suggesting this is a clear connection, just a curious one.

  18. Like I said the other day, someone dies and the knives come out.
    Along with a bunch of bullshit speculation, conspiracy bullshit and inuendo.
    Dude is not even cold.
    You motherfuckers should be ashamed of yourselves.
    Shit like this is the worst of iotw.
    I don’t want to hear any bullshit about the fights we have because this shit is 10X worse.

  19. The death shot killed him. He put on Telegram that he was fully vaxxed. I read 3 articles about his death and the saddest thing? None of them mention anything about whether he knew Jesus? Very sad.
    There will be more deaths…and more…and more…

  20. Tuesday
    SUNDAY, 29 OCTOBER 2023, 0:12 AT 12:12 AM
    “I’m very sad for him that he died alone.”

    We all face death alone. No one can make the journey with us.

    Except for the Lord.

    HE is the ONLY one who can travel with us when we go and see us safely to the other side.

  21. I sometimes watch myself on the overhead screen entering the local Walmart. I’ve had my bad days, but nothing like that picture of Perry that Brad posted. I know, I know, insensitive to make this about “ME!” but it’s my primary measuring stick and being 6 years older and 20 years younger in appearance tells me he was a wreck going into the Jacuzzi.

  22. Ya, well, he was a funny guy, but he could be a giant a-hole. He said in his book when he heard Chris Farley died he punched “a hole” in the wall, saying, “But Keanu Reeves walks among us.”

    But it wasn’t the first time he said that. He said it when River Phoenix died.

    That’s not a very cool thing to write, two times. Keanu Reeves doesn’t deserve that.

    So, I will say it for Keanu Reeves, because he’s too nice to say it.

    Fuck you, Matthew Perry.

    Now rest in peace.


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