Frmr NeverTrump Bush admin official says Justice Kennedy’s retirement must be investigated – IOTW Report

Frmr NeverTrump Bush admin official says Justice Kennedy’s retirement must be investigated

BPR: Forget President Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with the Russians, ladies and gentlemen, because the loopy left has just uncovered another one of his Machiavellian plots.

Straight out of a James Bond film, this particular plot involves Trump — a man whom liberals on one hand claim is a complete moron, yet on the other allege is an evil genius — conspiring to force Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy to resign from his post.

It’s a plot so real in the conspiracy-addled mind of university professor and frequent MSNBC guest Richard W. Painter, a former Bush administration official, that it must be investigated before Trump is allowed to nominate a replacement, of course (wink wink).  MORE

19 Comments on Frmr NeverTrump Bush admin official says Justice Kennedy’s retirement must be investigated

  1. when will comatose ginsberg be made to retire?

    she’s probably already dead and just being propped up to keep the party going like bernie in the movie weekend at bernies.

    it’s rumored she sleeps through all the oral arguments in front of the court.

  2. Apparently the left thinks there’s a need to investigate any and all things they don’t like or want to happen. These people have slipped over the edge of reality and are gone forever…

  3. @Bongopoofter,
    imo, Justice Scalia’s murder obliges us to vindicate him.
    The stables full of political vermin from bushies to obangi are begging to be cleansed.

  4. @Bcattin: “When Your party is in the Toilet…all You have left is…”

    all they have to sell us is that toilet, and now they’re trying to make it attractive
    no matter how they dress it up, and make it look otherwise, it is still a toilet. In some locales, you don’t even need that toilet anymore- just go on the sidewalk. Yeah, that’s what I want.

  5. Ha! Got him now!
    That Evil Genius Mr. Trump, arranging this decades ago, long before Bush left office.
    He needs to move his Arch-Villain headquarters to a mountain shaped like a skull

  6. Can you imagine the cringeworthy experience of being stuck in a room with Richard Painter and Ben Shapiro screeching NeverTrumpisms? The only thing worse would be a Fran Drescher chaser. Gawd.

  7. “…Trump — a man whom liberals on one hand claim is a complete moron, yet on the other allege is an evil genius —”
    Anyone remember the old Saturday Night Live bit (back when they were funny) that played off the same charges the left made about Reagan? He went from amiable dunce to scheming evil dictator depending on who was in the Oval Office.

  8. Sure. Why not? Muldoon can fill in one of his presigned warrants and raid Kennedy’s home and office at a convenient 3:30 am.

    Do Supreme Court Justices believe they are above the Law? If he has nothing to hide Kennedy should welcome an investigation.

  9. My opinion of the Bush Presidency continues on it’s downward spiral. I guess this shotspot can’t get a real job so has reverted to conspiracy theories to try to get paid. What a sad little man. Maybe when his ex-boss is finished hugging Bill Clinton he can toss him a few bucks.

  10. So what if Trump convinced Kennedy to retire? Nothing wrong with that.
    Liberals are convinced if a conservative does anything, it must be illegal or something.

  11. Do commercial pilots have a mandatory retirement age? To keep them from even possibly doing something foolish in the cockpit. That might endanger civilians on the ground.


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