Simple Flying– April 2024
A class-action lawsuit by the Mountain States Legal Foundation has found a substantial amount of documents showing discriminatory hiring practices by the Obama-era Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) initiative, which rejected qualified air traffic controllers based solely on race.
The lawsuit is led by Adam Laxalt, the Former Nevada Attorney General and co-counsel at Mountain States Legal Foundation. If it succeeds, it could set a new precedent and force companies and government agencies to hire employees based on skills, eliminating diversity quotas.
The lawsuit alleges that the FAA turned away more than 1,000 qualified air traffic controller applicants. These applicants passed the normal tests before the Obama-era FAA threw out the test results and the applicants with it. more here
Chickens coming home to roost,.. with current events?
There are few beliefs more racist than believing that only white people can be racist. And that racist belief was put at the heart of US government “civil rights” policy for decades, ending up with hardcore anti-white racists writing all hiring policy in all government institutions.
Meh. They do that with firemen and policemen too.
And doctors…
My father retired from the Air Force in 1970 at the grade of E-9 having spent most of his carrier in Air Traffic Control. He was told back then by the FAA that unless he was black, the only places he could work in the United States were Mobile, Alabama or Newark, New Jersey. Since neither of those locations were a good fit for white family life he had to re-tool and change his carrier path altogether.
Anti-White discrimination is why I left the Army after 3 years. I joined the National Guard for a couple years but could not be promoted because there were no blacks eligible for E-5 and for every White E-5, there had to be a black E-5. Our unit First Sergent, (a black E-6) was actually junior to a White E-7 in our organization, but since the E-6 was black, we had to call him Top.
I’m still looking for that White Privileged that I’m supposed to get, but I’d be happy with just a level playing field and an Equal Opportunity.
So far, I know the white male helicopter pilot’s name, the white male helicopter flight officer’s name, and the two white male airline pilots’ names, but not the female helicopter co-pilot’s name. Anybody know?
Who was being trained on that helicopter?
My older son is a flight instructor at a Part 141 flight school with many international students. They don’t play DEI there, I am sure. Our military? I am not sure at all.
is it true that the helo copilot was a transgender “female”?
It seems the only people who get jobs any more are the sexual deviants.