From Convicted Murderer to Exoneree to Law Grad – IOTW Report

From Convicted Murderer to Exoneree to Law Grad

TOWNHALL: What would you do if you were falsely accused and convicted of a brutal rape and murder you didn’t commit?

How would you handle a violent maximum-security prison, sentenced 16 years to life, at age 17?

And where would you go, what would you choose to do, if you won your freedom back after full exoneration?

Jeffrey Deskovic, 45, graduated from Pace University School of Law three weeks ago to rousing cheers from friends, family and faculty. On its own, the achievement warrants celebration. Any graduation does. But Deskovic’s feat is just one of an extraordinary set of milestones in the extraordinary life of an extraordinary man I’m honored to know and support.

Hollywood couldn’t manufacture a nightmare and redemption script as compelling as Deskovic’s real-life saga.

In November 1989, Deskovic’s Peekskill, New York, high school classmate, 15-year-old Angela Correa, was raped, beaten and strangled to death. Detectives decided that Deskovic, who did not know Correa, had acted excessively upset at the murdered sophomore’s memorials. Police succumbed to tunnel vision and confirmation bias, misinterpreting Deskovic’s amateur passion to help solve the crime as a sign of guilt. After speaking with him multiple times, steadily feeding him information about the case, they brought the 17-year-old Deskovic in for a polygraph.  more


7 Comments on From Convicted Murderer to Exoneree to Law Grad

  1. I used to feel the same way about the Innocence Project as I did about the ACLU, noble intentions but always on the wrong side of the issues, I don’t anymore.

    Unscrupulous/malevolent prosecutors and cops have jailed more innocent folks than any of us would care to admit; Mike Nifong, Marilyn Mosby, and Patrick Fitzgerald come readily to mind.

    This is one of the main reasons I am against the death penalty, this, it costs too much for appeals and justice, if it ever comes, is always delayed.

  2. Mueller is not the first nor the only bad cop. Good for Michelle! She has been fighting bad cops/liberals (what a coincidence!) for decades. Does not always win, but as the old Scotch folk song said250 ears ago, “You can march her up to the Gates of Hell SHE WILL NOT BACK DOWN!”!

  3. Sounds like there’s a polygraph administrator in our midst that very much belongs in prison. Unfortunately the laws are set in such a way that he’ll never be held to account for his misdeeds. The umbrella from prosecution these folks enjoy is the reason this has and will continue to take place.

  4. I wonder if that polygrapher is the same one who gave blasé-ford hers?
    why do they ignore DNA and use a polygraph?
    remember how it was pointed out that ford helped another woman falsify her polygraph? Yeah, I goes it isn’t so seared in most people’s hippo campuses.


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