From Ivermectin to Diatomaceous Earth – IOTW Report

From Ivermectin to Diatomaceous Earth

 -Just a few million bucks and a year or two of scientific research between a wonder drug and an ignored potential one?

Peter Halligan:
There are many treatments for the detoxing the spike protein (but not the contaminants such as endotoxins, PEG, SV40 fragments, lipid nano-particles and foreign bacterial e-coli??) being investigated and applied with some success.

Maybe using fenbendazole in conjunction with Ivermectin to target turbo cancers is one, treatments that eliminate monocytes is another, the entire planet has heard of Dr McCullough’s treatment protocol using Natto kinase – maybe Chlorine Dioxide would help. Then there is the regimen of Vitamins – especially D – and maybe Melatonin, Nigella Sativa, pine needle tea and so on.

Many treatments use natural plant ingredients – hopefully with no GMO’s! – probably because the prescription of chemical medicines is not permitted by those that could develop treatments. more here

15 Comments on From Ivermectin to Diatomaceous Earth

  1. My wife buys Diatomaceous Earth for her cat. When her cat shows signs of having fleas she spreads some on a cement slap and that cat just rolls around in it. My wife said she read about using that because she doesn’t like putting poison on her cat to kill the fleas. She read that one of the reasons it works is that the sharpness of the Diatomaceous Earth kills the fleas. All I know is that it seems to work.

  2. Diatomaceous earth is supposed to ne a nontoxic way to kill anys and termites, plugs the joints needed to breathe or something.

    If it is hard on the lungs, I can’t imagine the digestive tract will handle it any better. Possibly much much worse due to conventrations. tiny pointy things would seem more likely to impale the tissues not “scrub” the tissues. Bleeding guts? Can you say tumors?

  3. I’ve read the same about the original 20 Mule Team Borax powder, sprinkle it around the edges of countertops, walls and baseboards where the insects like to crawl, it has sharp edges, coats and cuts the bugs’ exoskeleton, the bugs dehydrate to death.

  4. D-earth is great for repelling leaf-eating bugs.
    A little Neem oil sprayed on the leaves, followed by a dusting of diatomaceous earth keeps the broccoli from looking like swiss cheese.
    It’s in cat litter too.


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