New York City original Curtis Sliwa, takes us from the founding of the Guardian Angels to his dramatic escape from one of John Gotti’s hitmen after being shot fives time at point-blank range.
Curtis compares Al Sharpton and Sonny Carson, who incited the Crown Heights riot in 1991, to the recent riots in Democrat-Progressive cities across America. In addition, Curtis lucidly explains the genesis of the current riots, the role of ANTIFA, local gangs, and the focus point of new rioters.

Thanks @MJA for posting this, I watched the first 18 minutes and will finish in the morning!
Rudy is tremendous and Curtis is well Curtis and a force to be reckoned with.
He might run for mayor if John Katzimatiaz(sp) does not.
BTW, for all that like or dig Rudy he has a radio show on at 770 WABC from 4-6 ECT.
He is indefatigable, just like our POTUS, btw they are fellow alpha NYer’s! (the left hates this concept).
That was very interesting-I’ll finish it later. Thank you.
I could never live there though, waaay too interesting I guess.
He’s a Trump hater. I got nothing for this guy.
He’s originally from Columbus OH.