From The Dossier To Papadopoulos, Obama’s State Department Had Early Role In Trump-Russia Probe – IOTW Report

From The Dossier To Papadopoulos, Obama’s State Department Had Early Role In Trump-Russia Probe

Daily Caller: Drip by drip, details have emerged over the past several months showing the Department of State under the Obama administration played a larger role at key junctures in the Trump-Russia probe than previously known.

State Department officials obtained and reviewed parts of the infamous Steele dossier by mid-July 2016, well before FBI headquarters had access to the document. The U.S. embassy in London was also an early recipient of information about former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos that the FBI would use to justify opening its counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016. And in a little-noticed Senate hearing on Wednesday, it was revealed that dossier author Christopher Steele briefed State Department officials at Foggy Bottom in October 2016.

The briefing suggests closer contacts between Steele and the State Department than the agency has acknowledged.  read more

9 Comments on From The Dossier To Papadopoulos, Obama’s State Department Had Early Role In Trump-Russia Probe

  1. I think this treachery was so obvious from the start. There’s a lot of critical views about Trump but being in collusion against this country is just so utterly ridiculous that I don’t see how anyone could possibly believe it. And because he’s always been so patriotic the danger he posed to the machine was clear.
    Thank god this man answered to his instincts and ran when he did. He really is a modern president that belongs with the other’s on Mount Rushmore.

  2. With as many people in the State Dept and FBI, etc who were involved in trying to frame Trump for high crimes it had to be virtually impossible for Obama to not know anything.
    Then the cover up.
    This is truly worse than Watergate ever thought of being.
    Pretty sad when an entire industry, the press, is so intent on turning this country into a socialist “paradise” that they are willing to go along with what amounts to treason and illegally framing people for crimes.

  3. Obama the repulsive scumbag has established a network of willing stooges throughout the government. Rooting out these traitors will take years given the complicity of both sides of the uniparty. Until there is some serious punishment meted out they will continue to disrupt. If and when that SERIOUS punishment is dealt the dam will break.

  4. Muller continues to step over and around the obvious turds he should be looking under in his “Russian conspiracy” money making scam. Marine or turd protector?

  5. It’s the Great Unraveling. It is going to take longer than anyone who cares about this country to get into Osmidgen’s Offal Office. It reminds me of something like the communist infiltration of the Roosevelt Administration during the 1930s. There were too many people involved in this conspiracy to keep it hidden once Clinton lost the election. In the meantime, the MSDM continues to distract the populace with tales of mistreatment on the border.

  6. Make no mistake.
    This is a fight to the death
    This is where the rubber meets the road.
    If we do not drain the swamp, gain control and remove the deep state, America will die.

  7. @Poor Lazlo June 22, 2018 at 8:47 am

    > If we do not drain the swamp, gain control and remove the deep state, America will die.

    Oh, my. Then, whatever will Americans do?


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