‘Frustrated’ and ‘Seething.’ Joe Biden Angry About His Flailing Presidency – IOTW Report

‘Frustrated’ and ‘Seething.’ Joe Biden Angry About His Flailing Presidency

Breitbart: President Joe Biden is getting more frustrated by his flailing presidency, according to another report in the establishment media.

Politico’s Jonathan Lemire cites five White House officials and Democrats close to the Biden Administration who point to “the greatest source of West Wing frustration, coming from behind the Resolute Desk.”

Biden is exasperated, the report says, that his approval ratings are below former President Donald Trump’s.

The report also notes Biden is “far more prone to salty language behind the scenes than popularly known” and “erupted” over the optics of the baby formula shortages.

The Politico report adds to other recent stories outling Biden’s flailing presidency, including an NBC report detailing a frustrated president reminding his staffers he is the president and a CNN story detailing his messaging struggles online despite a team of over 70 people dedicated to online strategy. more

34 Comments on ‘Frustrated’ and ‘Seething.’ Joe Biden Angry About His Flailing Presidency

  1. ‘Frustrated’ and ‘Seething.’

    …every Democrat everywhere throughout history.

    Evil is never content and never satisfied.

    So they take it out on us.

    Which is why they govern the way they do.

  2. Things are indeed tense. Hunter just posed with a whore and a 9mm handgun in the NY Post, babies are still starving, gas is $7.00 +/gallon, Putin is moving his people out of DC, Brandon and Dr.Alice Cooper Biden had to run and hide in a fire station, eggs are $6.00/ doz. Don’t worry former Vice President Biden, be happy.

  3. Pop another brain vein your vile, venal, vicious, vacuous, vermin loving pederast, just shut up and die already you satanic old crank.

    Please put America out of your misery you child fondling fuck stick, you are the most tedious imbecile alive. Do the nation a favor you self aggrandizing dipshit and stroke out,

    Fuck you Pedo Puddin head, Just go fuck yourself instead of this country for q change,

  4. Everyone knows he’s a nearly useless fuckwit, including Joe himself. The only purpose he serves is that of a placeholder/figurehead to preside over the coming economic collapse. Get you affairs in order because we’re closing in on our SHTF moment. When it gets real, it will get real *fast*.

  5. NBC, CNN, Politico reporting WHAT? Hell, those assholes are as responsible for this whole administration as is Dominion. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. Don’t cry to me… YOU put him there and should hang right beside him.

  6. I don’t believe the story. Pudding head doesn’t know what planet he’s on much less stressed about his fake presidency. Of all my knowledge about past Presidents, never has there been such a corrupt reprobate in office with a son that’s a crack head, porn stud wannabe, philanderer, pedophile. Any past Presidents like Joe? Hope the Republicans hold tho their promise of imp4eaching Joe. They should be sounding the war drums right now! Not holding my breath for that to happen either.

  7. It’s only frustrating to us.
    All the damage is intentional – Treason most foul – from the stolen election, to inflationary measures, to supply-chain issues, to gas prices, to the tsunami of rat-people crossing our borders, to the saber-rattling at Russia, to the wholesale sellout of our Armed Forces to China and the rag-heads, to the abandonment of Israel, to the Treasons of the FBI and DoJ, to the Un-Constitutional imprisonment of the 1/6 group, to … well … y’know the rest.

    NOT failures – successes.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Give the poor man a break. Put yourself in his position. You’re minding you own business, enjoying a Go-Gurt, and you realize somebody shit in your pants again. Come on, man!

  9. Fuck him. He signed up for it. I care not for his feelings, nor ANY of his family. Be a man, Joe. Put a gun in your mouth, and pull the trigger. Fuck you, and fuck your wife Jill with the apparatus from the “lust” murder scene in the movie Se7en. I hate all of you.

  10. Indeed, fuck you, Joe Biden, hereto & forever to be known as the worst(supposed)president in our history. You have been lusting for the office since 1972. Now you have it, quit your bitching & own it. Everything that is happening is YOUR fault, not Putin’s, not Trump, YOU & the rest of the fuckwits on your staff. You are a pathetic excuse of a human being. You & your climber wife have produced NOTHING in your miserable lives. Your surviving son is a party joke, as is your slut daughter. They are degenerates, just like mom & dad, along with the rest of your family. Hear me, Big Guy? If you were a real man, which you definitely are not, you would step down this moment, except you don’t even realize on most days where you are or what day it is. 1988 should have been the end of you, yet here you are, so shut the fuck up & take responsibility for your actions. Fat chance, right?

  11. Lyin’ Biden has no “flailing” presidency. He is a false and non-existent presidency and is actually a squatter-in-chief, a domestic terrorist with numerous ded bodies who withheld baby formula out of anger, spite, jealousy against presT, vindictiveness, and cruelty. So…c’mon man, since he’s a race-hater who molested his own minor-age daughter which she later reported as an adult, what gives anyone the idea that Biden wouldn’t engage in deliberately cruel and abusive acts against American children?

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