Frustrated Kamala Caught On Tape Correcting Joe Biden During His Gaffe-Filled SOTU – IOTW Report

Frustrated Kamala Caught On Tape Correcting Joe Biden During His Gaffe-Filled SOTU

EV: Joe Biden, during his 2022 State of the Union address, made a major mistake while describing the situation in the Ukraine right now. Here’s the video and transcript of that gaffe:

19 Comments on Frustrated Kamala Caught On Tape Correcting Joe Biden During His Gaffe-Filled SOTU

  1. Doktor Jill will have stern words with the Kalamitous Jamindian over her poor manners. How dare she make her Poor Joey look like someone who cannot read a teleprompter. Ukraine is often confused for Iran by dementia patients!

  2. She was grimacing the entire time.
    What a crew up there.
    Kommila the one no one likes and all her staff quits on.
    Pedo Joe who can’t speak or think clearly, even when it’s all written down for him.
    San Fran Nan drunk as a skunk grinning with foggy eyes and standing up at random times.

  3. I basically make about $500,000 to $750,000 per month as an Energy corporate CEO. It’s enough to comfortably replace my old jobs income, especially considering I only work about 10-13 hours a week from home. I was amazed how easy it was after I tried it…..

  4. anymouse> WRONG. No one gives a flying fuck what leftists want to believe. Biden looks like the biggest ass hole moron in the world. There isn’t one other nation whos populace hasn’t acknowledge that fact. America is alone right now. We have no allies who would support this shit for brains fraud. Putin is playing Five Dimension Chess and Old Poopy Pants Biden still hasn’t mastered Tic-Tac-Toe. Even if that useless old bastard Biden were to drop over today his number two Mattress Mary is NOT up to the challenge and never will be. A weak America translates into a weak geo political scenario. That idiot Biden is financing Putin’s war machine buy cutting our energy prospects and buying Russian oil. How fucking stupid is that?!?!

    Anymouse is a long time reader here. Anonymous is NOT Anymouse. – Claudia

  5. Did you notice her face?

    That’s the face you make when two dozen assassins come out of nowhere, strike down your emperor in a frenzy of daggers right in front of you, then slowly and in unison turn to look at you, the next in line to the throne.

  6. Hey Mickey, guess who will be crying the minute it is shut down, little man. One of the most useless comments I read today. Alone, thats you!Many countries have taken a step up to the plate.

  7. anonymous fucknuckle ^^^^^^^^^^ name just one other nation that isn’t aware that Joe Biden is a fucking idiot?
    Hell, if you believe he had 81,000,000 legit votes then you both are fucking idiot fucknuckles

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