Ft. Huachuca has shortage of physicians (One doctor isn’t allowed to work because he’s not jabbed) – IOTW Report

Ft. Huachuca has shortage of physicians (One doctor isn’t allowed to work because he’s not jabbed)

TRMLX: Fort Huachuca sent out a letter to retirees this past week informing them that Raymond W. Bliss Army Health Center, the hospital on post, is having an issue managing their care due to a national shortage of healthcare providers in the commercial sector and military. The irony of this message is how they’ve had a board certified family physician employed on their installation who hasn’t been allowed to work since September 13, 2021…

MAJ Dr. Samuel Sigoloff, DO, was a practicing physician on Fort Huachuca until he was pulled from his position in September of 2021 for not receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.

Despite the mandate having been repealed in January of this year, Dr. Sigoloff was still not allowed to return to his practice. Sources I’ve spoken to state that he, “reports to his place of duty (which is in the basement of a building) at 0730 everyday. He waits until 1600 at which point he is allowed to leave. The clinic commander ordered that he only get thirty minutes for lunch (even though an hour is typical for all in the clinic).” MORE

4 Comments on Ft. Huachuca has shortage of physicians (One doctor isn’t allowed to work because he’s not jabbed)

  1. Given Fort Huachuca’s sordid history in the extermination of Native Americans, I find it absolutely intolerable that my government would celebrate/condone a symbol of such hate. A name change is needed immediately.

    I doubt he ever set foot in Arizona, but no matter, I nominate Fort Jordan Neely. It’s not quite as effective as $200 mil in reparations but it sets the proper tone. White America must acknowledge its role in the subjugation of all the other races, and make amends at the altar of equity.

  2. I served 4 months at Ft Huachuca, which was 4 months too long in that corruption infested hellhole.

    And if we’re going to rename Ft Huachuca, how about Ft Chalupa? I know he spent at least a year at Buena High School in the nearby town of Sierra Vista, which is a military town

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