FTX Saga: Did the Republicans help facilitate the election theft? – IOTW Report

FTX Saga: Did the Republicans help facilitate the election theft?

YES, they did under the guise of “no Hillary.”
Pay Attention.

27 Comments on FTX Saga: Did the Republicans help facilitate the election theft?

  1. Brad, seriously, what are you talking about?
    DeSantis won his re-election in a landslide.
    He has NEVER ONCE MENTIONED running in 2024.
    “Played by the swamp?”
    Dude has been governing Florida, dealing with two major storms and kicking ass.
    He could be elected KING in Florida.
    Yet you guys are projecting some crazy shit on that man.
    The calls are coming from inside the house…

    Fucking paranoia is as rampant as covid these days…

  2. Ignorance is even more rampant and you seem to be leading the parade. Any idea what just took place with this election and the Uni parties main goal was? Schumer and Turtle boy are meeting about it next week. That’s your only clue.

  3. Brad, don’t be coy, aloof, and ambiguous.
    Please enlighten the ignorant among us.
    In other words…what the actual FUCK are you talking about?

    DeSantis hasn’t and won’t give those two traitorous cock-suckers the time of day.

  4. Trump and his ilk need to look at DeSantis as the star COLLEGE quarterback laying waste in the SEC.

    On top of his game.
    Unanimous Heisman winner.
    Unanimous #1 draft pick.

    He will kick ass in the big leagues.
    Trump is an NFL quarterback.
    Yes, he’s been sacked a few times too many and may have CTE.
    Yet he needn’t worry about DeSantis but evidently the man is living rent-free in his head.
    Odd since Trump lives rent-free among dems & the MSM.

    I hate this shit.
    This is on Trump.
    DeSantis is minding his own business.
    And smart, BTW.
    He hasn’t taken the bait.
    But keep poking the bear…

  5. “I’ve got dirt on DeSantis.”
    Are you dem oppo research now Mr. Trump.
    For fucks sake.

    Sorry, no more unconditional love for that man.
    Attacking a present and future star preemptively is outrageously shortsighted, stupid, petty, and guaranteed to backfire.
    And it did…

  6. Sorry Brad I’m with Loco on this one and it has jack shit to do with who runs for President in 2024, which frankly no Republican is going to win when so many states now cheat and count until they get the result they want.
    It has to do with if we’re going to survive at all, we need all Red State Republican Governors to fight D.C. Our Governor is far from perfect, but just like Desantis he has stood up to Biden and D.C. Desantis has been great for Florida that is why they overwhelmingly voted for him. That is why even with his warts, my state had so many fighting the dark money to make sure we stayed red.
    The honest truth is Trump is not in any position of power to do anything, red state Republican governors are.

  7. Well, getting back to the point – election theft and electoral corruption, in general, couldn’t exist without the tacit consent of the Republicans.

    The simple fact that the GOPe isn’t raising Holy Hell over the issue is absolute proof of their traitorous misdeeds. They are aligned with the Globalist Haters of America and willing to be the Bend-over Bitch Boys in the destruction of America – stuffing their pockets while sucking the cocks of the Globaloney-ists.
    Their cowardice (or smug complicity) is disgusting.

    The fact that there are very few Americans extant in our political class is enough to make one weep.
    (if one was weepy)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. the pedo-political class are hell bent on destroying MAGA just like they destroyed tea party
    these criminals have been getting away with rigging elections for decades and PDT showed us how they were rigging/robbing the entire system

  9. DeSantis is doing a great job in FL. Stay there Governor and continue.

    None the less it’s obvious he’s on the same glide path as Jeb! was in 2015. Same packaging, same big bucks GOPe donors. It won’t work just like it didn’t in 2016.

    I forget the number($100M+?) but Bush had an astonishing war chest and endorsements from the heavy weights in the Party. Trump blew him out of the water. Last I saw it was 71-10, DJT.

  10. Sorry folks but my interest is on the money (and the cost of manufacturing Biden’s 81 million and the ones it took for Fedderman and the other clowns to win in the midterms).

    FTX is only a part of how money and votes get laundered…stay on task.

    I like any politician who exposes donkey pox for what it is. Neither DeSantis nor Trump is perfect but then again we are all creatures in this fallen world. Lighten up you’re scaring the children again!

  11. A popular (with folk who love America) radio host told us 22 years ago, “BUSH REPUBLICANS ARE DEMOCRATS!”.

    Were he alive today he’d say,, “I told you so!”!

  12. Of course they facilitated the losses. Being that they, viz, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, George Bush, anti-maga movement donors, the Lincoln Project and numerous other fiends back Ron DeSantis and use him as a tool against Trump, these RINOs and their accomplices only want voters to elect establishment-approved reprobates.

  13. Of course they facilitated the losses. Being that they, viz, Paul Ryan, Jeb Bush, George Bush, anti-maga movement donors, the Lincoln Project and numerous other fiends back Ron DeSantis and use him as a tool against Trump, these RINOs and their accomplices only want voters to elect establishment-approved reprobates. The entire system is disgustingly corrupt and money-grubbing.

  14. Brad, I’m behind nobody for President because I do not believe a Republican will ever be President again. As for Desantis, he has done very good for Florida and that is what I’m talking about. He has stood up to Biden and D.C. like other red state Republican governors, that is what I’m behind.

    So I sure as heck am not going to get behind destroying any Republican Governor who is fighting for their state, that includes one very close to home that I believe is a RINO; Abbott in Texas.

    As for he’s a Bushie, show the proof, all I’ve seen is accusations. Accusations that did not start until a few weeks ago. I have a very good friend who is conservative who lives in Florida she loves Desantis. I have an in-law who has a lot of family in Florida, they all love Desantis and say he’s the best Florida has ever had.

    I also think I know my state better than anyone and Trump endorsed true establishment in my state.

  15. Anon, Lincoln Project attacked Desantis just like Trump until Trump attacked him then they started claiming they support him. The tweets are still there for anyone to see.

  16. As long as….
    Votes are being cast….
    Absentee/Mail-in ballots being accepted….
    Ballots being cured….
    Ballots being harvested….

    There should be NO vote counting….
    Why would you give either party…..
    a number of votes to beat….????

  17. ORWW

    There’s a ton of info out there. Go find it. I’m not doing the 2016 thing all over again.
    And Anon is correct. Currently the Lincoln project is slobbering all over DeSantis. Do they like DeSantis? Probably not, but they hate Trump and MAGA.


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