BigGovernment: Members of the Black Lives Matter splinter group Fuk Yo Flag are threatening violence on September 11 in videos and blog posts.

After posting a recent video that called for “open season on killing white people and cops,” a man who identifies himself as “King Noble, Black Supremacist” has put out another bizarre, expletive-laced video where he delivers a monologue of his contempt for both the American and Confederate flags, which he claims are symbols of oppression.  more


  1. Bring It.
    Not only are #BLM outnumbered, but (blacks, whatever they call themselves this week) in general are outnumbered, and outgunned. Non-large-city whites have the numbers, the guns, and most important of all, the will.
    Even if #BLM start in the large cities, all they’ll get is the “white guilt” Libtards (no big challenge there. you’ll be doing the “flyover country” a favor by culling the herd). Once these #BLM ‘tards move out of their ghettos, they’ll find a different story, that the targets shoot back, have more guns, more ammo, more practice, and better aim. And they forget that old saw, “don’t mess with a chef in his own kitchen. he knows where all the knives are hidden, and the best place to dispose of the bodies”.
    Sooooo. . . once again, I say, Bring It.

  2. And black people can’t shoot straight. One hand is always pulling up their drawers and they hold the gun sideways with the other.

    Here locally there was a party in a house in a ‘good’ neighborhood and for some reason there was a ‘group’ of ‘youths’ there at the party, and ANOTHER ‘group’ of ‘youths’ showed up and for some ‘unknown’ reason the two ‘groups’ of ‘youths’ started shooting at each other.

    The only person killed was a teenage girl innocent bystander who just happened to be there at the party.

    Brutha’s cant shoot straight.

    Needless to say the funeral was packed and it became some sort of community solidarity movement.

    All I have to say about it, glad it wasn’t a white person who shot her.

  3. FIrst: I have to ask, the thing with the flag, is it a very ugly woman or a very womanly man? Just curious. Second, King what’s his name is funny. A man that probably can’t read or write his own name is making threats? Give me a break. These asshats couldn’t find Africa if you spotted them half the globe and they want to talk about their heritage.
    I heard old Louis Farrakan was looking for 10,000 fearless blacks to start the race war. I invite them to come to the southern Midwest first, just one request, please bring 10,000 body bags, we won’t have enough for all of you.

  4. I don’t want to go through a race war. They get real ugly, real quick. Have these clowns actually sat down and tried to figure out what they’re whining about?

    Too lazy to work – so they get free shit.
    Too stupid to educate – so they get affirmative diplomas.
    Once hired – can’t be fired.
    Attack cop – get shot. (DUH!)
    Call itself African – won’t go to Africa.
    Self-segregated in cesspit, demonrat-run ghettos.
    Got the Preznit.
    Got the Attorney General.
    Got “Get out of Jail Free.”
    Get to riot and loot with impunity.

    WTF do they want?
    What else is there to give?

    $20 Trillion wasted and it still isn’t enough.

  5. They want (need) some self respect. But they’ll never get it.

    It could drop from a 10 story building, hit them on the head, knock them out cold, and they still wouldn’t recognize what hit them.

    We’re all human and no man is an island to themselves, BUT
    they sure make it hard to feel sorry for them any longer.

  6. I’ll be carrying two sidearms tomorrow. I’m real tired of this Black Lies Matter bullshit. I’d like to know what exactly do these worthless ingrates want? Do they have a clue as to what they want?
    They hate America so badly they should take their sorry asses to Liberia or some other shithole African country and live there a year and see how they like it. They want respect? Well they aren’t getting it from most white folks and a lot of black folks as well. I’ve come to the conclusion these people are so low IQ they can’t figure out want they want. They start a race war they’ll pay dearly.

  7. Obama wants a race war. He has been engineering it since he took office. He is goading BLM and Farra-conman to bait whitey into fighting back.

    I wouldn’t doubt if Obama has plans to call in China to police the turmoil for him since the police here just want to kill blackies, too. Or maybe Russia?

  8. I recommend these ignorant fools read up on history and check out what white people have done over the past thousand years then ask themselves if they really want us to repeat a little history. The old expression “be careful what you wish for” comes to mind. Plus, most of these racist black idiots live in urban areas, which are the most vulnerable places to live. A week without electricity, and they’d be eating one another.


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