Full List of Hillary’s Planned Tax Hikes – IOTW Report

Full List of Hillary’s Planned Tax Hikes

ATR: Hillary Clinton has made clear she intends to dramatically raise taxes on the American people if elected. She has proposed an income tax increase, a business tax increase, a death tax increase, a capital gains tax increase, a tax on stock trading, an “Exit Tax” and more (see below). Her planned net tax increase on the American people is at least $1 trillion over ten years, based on her campaign’s own figures.

Hillary has endorsed several tax increases on middle income Americans, despite her pledge not to raise taxes on any American making less than $250,000. She has said she would be fine with a payroll tax hike on all Americans, she has endorsed a steep soda tax, endorsed a 25% national gun tax, and most recently, her campaign manager John Podesta said she would be open to a carbon tax. It’s no wonder that when asked by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos if her pledge was a “rock-solid” promise, she slipped and said the pledge was merely a “goal.” In other words, she’s going to raise taxes on middle income Americans.

Hillary’s formally proposed $1 trillion net tax increase consists of the following:



5 Comments on Full List of Hillary’s Planned Tax Hikes

  1. Managing my finances has become a full-time job. My salary has remained the same since April 2013, and I am being nickel-and-died to death by a variety of factors beyond my control. The latest insult is that the owner of the dry cleaning establishment next door to me is closing up shop and retiring following a health-related crisis. The next-closest dry cleaner is a) more expensive b) not within walking distance so I’ll have to take a bus there and back each week. Annual increase in this budget line item about $250-300, which I suppose I’ll just have to pull out of my ass like magic. If my taxes go up I have no idea how I am going to keep my financial life together.

    Of course, Hillary wouldn’t get the part about the taxes. I don’t know anyone who pays taxes on illegal income, do you?

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