Full Measure – After Hours: Government-Backed Medical Experiment on Premature Babies Gone Wrong – IOTW Report

Full Measure – After Hours: Government-Backed Medical Experiment on Premature Babies Gone Wrong

Sheryl Attkisson:

A fascinating but very sad tale of a government backed experiment on premature babies that went wrong with virtually no repercussions for any of the scientists.

Do your own research. Make up your own mind. Think for yourself.

12 Comments on Full Measure – After Hours: Government-Backed Medical Experiment on Premature Babies Gone Wrong

  1. As a parent of a baby that was born with an unexpected birth defect, I can tell you that its REALLY not something life prepares you for. You spend the pregnancy planning for this wonderful little jouful Gerber model, preparing for nappies and poopies and hugs…then God drops this medical problem literally in your lap. You’re surrounded by people in crisp white coats you’ve been taught all your life to believe have the answers, though, and answers you need like a man in the desert needs water, so of COURSE you are VERY vulnerable to whatever a “doctor” wants to try, will sign whatever you need to sign, and it’s very tempting to trust these wonderful people who say they can make it all better. I felt this and I had spent enough time in hospitals on the other side of the bed at this point so I KNEW that doctors had feet of clay, but I NEEDED HELP! MY WIFE NEEDED HELP! MY NEWBORN CHILD NEEDED HELP!

    …its hard to get around that even when you KNOW doctors are not gods, so I imagine it’s 10 times WORSE for the uneducated, single mothers with not even a partner to lock eyes with before making fateful decisions for their child.

    Now, first, I will NOT shit on surfactants. They are a Godsend to premature male children who would likely die without them, and THEY DO WORK. I worked with the son of a freind who was saved by a surfactant, its a pretty simple thing now but maybe wasn’t then, but it’s usually administered as soon after birth as possible because the lungs can’t separate correctly without it, so you will get anoxia issues even with 100% oxygen because it can’t reach the aveoli to process it, in a baby that’s just learning to breathe air to begin with.

    I’d have to read the study to understand the further problems, because my understanding of neonate blindness is that the problem is oxygen on the OUTSIDE of the eyes in an incubaror, so they usually cover the eyes pretty good to help deal with that. The surfactants I’m familiar with are usually quick acting and single dose, so not sure where this long-term oxygenation comes in.

    That said, the issue is that they didn’t get informed consent for an experiment that simply proved exactly what they expected, so I don’t even see the POINT. They very simply and very unethically used the new mother’s fear and the automatic trust in doctors to do useless experiments with a foregone conclusion just to ne able to call it “research”

    Having been in that vulnerable position, I have nothing but disgust for professionals who abuse their trust and injure children as no more than lab rats.

    It comes from seeing babies as nothing more than masses of tissue, fit only for experiments, not as life that’s worthy because it came from God in and of itself.

    And that’s why we can’t trust doctors any more.

    God’s been kicked out.

    So we’re ALL experiments now.

    Explains COVID.

    Explains EVERYTHING.

    “Science” untethered from God is Science untethered from ethics.

    That’s where Dr. Mengele comes from.

    Also Dr. Fachi.

    Don’t trust Science as an adjunct to Man.

    Only trust men of Science as adjuncts to God.

    For no man is worthy of such trust.

    They prove that every day…

  2. Coming up on thirty four years ago signing approval for then experimental drug that saved my twins. Three hospitals in Chicagoland area were included in the trials: Evanston (where we were), Luthern General and Children’s Memorial. Any other and they wouldn’t have made it. Two pounds six ounces and three pounds two ounces which at that time was iffy. Both in medicine today.

  3. To just one of your points, SNS: Harvard now has an atheist “Chaplain”. He said, (para) that they don’t need God for answers because humanity should look to each other for them. Spoken like a true secular humanist. Harvard. Only one of the ivies that was founded to teach about Jesus and the bible.

  4. surfactants

    If memory serves they shot the stuff into their lungs via mouth and then withdrew it.

    I was too busy trying to support mom during the C-section, but watched them pull both (one at a time) from her gut and then to little pads/trays in the OR where they worked their magic. Two months in Neonatal ICU. Six figure billing…

    And administering the speed after we got them home.

  5. Anymouse
    AUGUST 28, 2021 AT 10:09 PM

    If memory serves they shot the stuff into their lungs via mouth and then withdrew it.”

    Yep, that’s how it’s done. One time, its a real miracle. Boys are more at risk than girls, but at only a couple of pounds, the odds ain’t great for either.

    You’re blessed they pinked up after that too. Switching over from placental circulation to air breathing as soon as your chest hits the air is a hard thing for term babies, let alone not fully developed ones. Lots of times you get blue babies when the transition is incomplete from circulatory problems in addition to poor oxygenation from underdeveloped lungs. Its a blessing they lived at all, and nothing short of a miracle that they were so mwntally unimpaired that they were able to become doctors themselves.

    Doctors can be given amazing skills and knowledge by God, but only God can make the machine work and heal what the doctors stitch together.

    That’s the part modern medicine tends to want to forget, but all too often they forget their ethics and the fact their patients are human too along the way…

    May the Lord continue to bless your children, Anymouse.

    ..and you as well…

  6. Son, eye doctor married to another eye doctor currently pregnant with twins. The daughter, nurse going for nurse practitioner at this time if she doesn’t get fired for refusing the jab.

  7. Speaking of babies, my new grandson Holden was born this afternoon. Woo Hoo! We received the call from my son this morning while I was grocery shopping and I had to drop everything and leave my groceries at the checkout counter in order to get my daughter to my sons house to watch her nieces so my son and daughter in law could get to the hospital ASAP, that was about 11:30 this morning and I received another call about 6:00 from my daughter telling me that the baby was born this afternoon. That was the quickest birth of their 3 kids and now he’s here and he’s a cute little guy according to the picture I saw of him about an hr. ago, mom and baby are doing fine and hopefully they will be able go home tomorrow or Monday.

  8. geoff the aardvark
    AUGUST 28, 2021 AT 11:16 PM

    May Holden grow in peace and blessedness, may he know no injury or illness, may he be ever a joy to you, to his parents, and to the Lord. May he comfort you in your declining years and when you lay down your trophies and go home to your Lord, may you know that your family line continues unbroken in Holden’s strong hand.

    God Bless,


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