Full-Time Nurse and Mother Breaks Down as She Discusses Tough Financial Struggles Under Bidenomics – IOTW Report

Full-Time Nurse and Mother Breaks Down as She Discusses Tough Financial Struggles Under Bidenomics

Family Living ‘Paycheck-to-Paycheck’ Despite Decent Income (VIDEO).

GP: In a heartfelt and heartbreaking TikTok video, Mackenzie Moan, a full-time critical care nurse and Ph.D. student from Pennsylvania, has brought to light the grim reality of financial struggles many American families face under the Biden regime.

Despite holding a stable job and earning what she describes as ‘good money,’ Moan and her husband Steve find themselves living ‘paycheck-to-paycheck,’ a situation that is becoming increasingly common in today’s Bidenomics.

The video, which has since gone viral with over 1 million views, captures Moan breaking down as she details the financial woes that plague her family. She reveals that after paying for essentials like their mortgage, groceries, and gas, they are left with a mere few hundred dollars to sustain them for the next two weeks. This stark revelation comes despite both she and her husband working full-time jobs, with Steve often working overtime. more here

18 Comments on Full-Time Nurse and Mother Breaks Down as She Discusses Tough Financial Struggles Under Bidenomics

  1. She’s part of the problem. Doesn’t want to be bothered with the why’s or how’s.
    Would prefer someone wave a manic wand and make things perfect for her.
    Some people would have better lives if they didn’t vote.

  2. Dr.’s and Nurses typically are Demoncrats. Most everyone in the medical field thought Obama was god and carried it thru Biden telling Trump to go F himself.
    If she didn’t vote or voted Demoncrat I don’t have much sympathy. She has no clue what it means when you have no money for 1 more week and your insurance, rent and utilities are due and you need to grocery shop. I got by with 10 pot pies for $2 and boxed potatoes for $1. The 70’s under Carter were pure shit. Learn to manage your money, cut out the vacations and sell some furniture. It doesn’t look to me that you are going without based on your furniture

  3. “Not political ” automatically means democrat, sadly the default choice. Having said that, what she and her husband can do is become politically enlightened and vote accordingly

  4. I can’t help but think she is leaving out some details about their finances. Credit card debt? Car payments? Student loans? Until she tells me where every single dollar goes every month and if they owe on more than the mortgage, I am reserving any sympathy I might have.

    And I am suspicious of people going on social media for sympathy and attention.

  5. She can fuck off, and her husband looks like a douche.

    That’s also one thing my wife can’t stand about the medical industry is that most of them are bobble-head bleeding-heart democrat sycophant scum. Many of them are also G-dless (as in violent anti-G-d) refuse.

    Liberals are hypocritical dogshit. I don’t understand how you can be a libtard and spend so many hours pissing on G-d. Well, I guess I just figured it out. If I don’t like something I just don’t do it… but a libtard is a pernicious advocate of Satan.

  6. Yea well this Moron doesn’t have an income problem she has a spending problem. One of my sweet daughter in laws is an RN working in a relative poor county in Cali. She knocks down well over 300K a year. 36 hour work week. She could make double if she moved to Sac County. Just imagine how much this woman is making. Yea she’s a libtard.

  7. She said…“I’m not into politics. I don’t follow it. Frankly, that stresses me out, too. “…..and there you have it, she votes democratic and always will because she doesn’t want to see who is sponsoring her troubles…

  8. I’d like to see the car she drives. I’d like to know the value of the home she lives in. I’d like to see her monthly bill at Starbucks. I’d like to see how much she spends every month at restaurants. I’d like to see where she has traveled on vacation for the last three years. I worked with guys who made the same as me yet envied the home I lived in that was paid for while they played golf three times a week and struggled to pay for their toys in their driveways. I have no pity for people like this. Their anguish strengthens me.

  9. May I comment on the “those in medicine thing.” Have often bragged here about my two in medicine and garandamntee that they ain’t demonrats. Maybe when the son was undergraduate he leaned liberal, but reality cured that after he started his career.

    Daughter has no debt and son does, but he seems to have it under control. He didn’t wait and got the things he wanted while she only might get spendy on increasing their gun collection. Getting sambar stag grips on their carry guns.


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