Full-Time Work Is Being Replaced by Part-Time Jobs as Americans and Businesses Struggle – IOTW Report

Full-Time Work Is Being Replaced by Part-Time Jobs as Americans and Businesses Struggle

“Wherever possible, businesses are eliminating full-time jobs and replacing them with part-time jobs to reduce costs.” 

12 Comments on Full-Time Work Is Being Replaced by Part-Time Jobs as Americans and Businesses Struggle

  1. And the illegals with paperwork have to have their employer sign it and hold it over their heads if they bitch about rent. Off plantation talk leads to firing which leads to de port.

    Talk about a win/win for the old guard elite.

    It’s like it’s a fixed game before they write the rules to accomodate the games being played on the American Citizens.

    Almost like Dual-Interest Citizens would play their cards if they were playing a global games with economic slave pawns.

    **Limited, Free Health Cares anyones?

  2. Yup. And “permalance” employees. ABC did a lot of that shit. And the union idiots went nuts. Union CWA and NABETS (in the on-air shops) made about 45 an hour, and permalance union dudes made about 65 an hour.

    You can see how idiots get confused.

    “He walked in the door at 65 an hour!”

    No, he didn’t. And he doesn’t get days off. And handles his retirement and medical. It’s not unlike how hospitals use contractors.

    Contractors and permalance are cheaper for the concern. That’s why they do it. And they can simply take you off the schedule any time they wish.

  3. The only difference between medical contractors and permalance union cats is the medicos are sub’d through an agency what swears a warrant of usefulness. All the licensing proofing, and education, and hours in the captain’s seat are handled by the contracting firm. The employee makes about 50% of the contract.

    Permalance on-air cats are generally not sub-contracted. I have never heard of a single one who was sub-contracted. But I worked in DC, and I for sure know a billionth of a percent of zero.

  4. In the sixties one man could Prosper doing one job. The federal Reserve, the constant wars,supporting the Military Industrial complex, foreign Aid,, gaggg.. they have stolen our ability to prosperity.

  5. The 1% don’t want people who can think. They want people who are just bright enough and educated enough to do the jobs they are told to do. It’s why the American Indoctrination system has spent the past 4 decades dumbing down society.
    They’ve been so successful at dumbing people down that we are now having trouble keeping modern society functioning. And it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better….IF it gets better.

  6. I have an idea, let’s convince women to leave the home and seek a career. This way they won’t have to submit to an oppressive husband. So they leave the home and submit to a strange man at their employment instead. This doubles the workforce and greatly reduces the availability of good jobs for men who are supporting their families. Yeah, good idea. What could go wrong?


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