Fun Fact: Ted Lieu is a complete moron – IOTW Report

Fun Fact: Ted Lieu is a complete moron

Patriot Retort:

I have to say, one nice thing about the Democrats beating the Impeachment Drums is it’s exposing just how completely stupid they are.

Take for example, Congressman Ted Lieu.

Congressman Lieu fancies himself a clever, witty, intelligent bon vivant.

But the truth is, Ted Lieu is a complete moron.

Check out Ted’s “Fun fact” about Richard Nixon:

Apparently Hollywood actors aren’t the only ones who are completely ignorant of history.



11 Comments on Fun Fact: Ted Lieu is a complete moron

  1. In defense of Ted Lieu, he has tweeted about the suspicious nature of the GOP operative Smith looking into the Clintons emails, I e another case of clintocide. What does that make 50? 75? 100? suspicious deaths convenient for those Borgias of our age.

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