Funding for Penn Biden Center remains shrouded amid suspicions of anonymous Chinese funding – IOTW Report

Funding for Penn Biden Center remains shrouded amid suspicions of anonymous Chinese funding

Just The News: Ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s Wednesday inauguration as president, questions linger around the funding of the University of Pennsylvania’s Penn Biden Center, including whether the center’s funding stream has included any of the millions in anonymous Chinese donations the school has received in recent years. 

The Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy & Global Engagement has been the subject of some scrutiny in recent years due to concerns that it may have been the recipient, directly or indirectly, of millions in donations from Chinese nationals.

Last year, a watchdog group called on the Department of Education to investigate the center, demanding that the feds look into “all monetary gifts and contracts that have been received by the University of Pennsylvania and its Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement from China sources.”

The university has offered narrowly worded denials in response to allegations of improper funding. “The University has never solicited any funds for the Penn Biden Center,” Penn spokesman Ron Ozio told Just the News last year. “Since its inception in 2017, it has received a total of three unsolicited gifts totaling $1,100. There have been no gifts to the Penn Biden Center from anyone in China.”

Campus spokesman Stephen MacCarthy gave a near-identical response to Just the News this week ahead of Biden’s inauguration, adding that the Penn Biden Center itself “has never solicited or received any gifts from any Chinese or other foreign entity.” more

10 Comments on Funding for Penn Biden Center remains shrouded amid suspicions of anonymous Chinese funding

  1. I will save everybody the trouble of asking around about Chinese money.. yes there are millions, but that doesn’t include what went into his and family’s pockets in pay to play..

    Madam Zonga knows all

  2. Zonga

    She’s a cheap whore Grifter. How could she be a VP’s wife for 8 years and not understand Military protocol? She’s just as her ex husband described her. She’s the big turd in the toilet that won’t flush.


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