Funny how the assault on New York subway for free stuff sounds like the Democrat agenda – IOTW Report

Funny how the assault on New York subway for free stuff sounds like the Democrat agenda

American Thinker: A disruptive attack by organized anarchist leftists on New York’s subway public transit system Friday must have been enough to drive New Yorkers into thinking about getting back into their Ubers.

According to the New York Post:

Protests began early Friday morning. Walls and display screens at the Upper West Side’s 72nd Street B and C train station were marred with graffiti Friday around 7 a.m., cops said.

Just before 8 a.m., protesters strung a large black banner with the words, “F–k your $2.75. Fare strike today,” from the Oculus at the World Trade Center station, according to a video posted by the group. People could be heard clapping and cheering as the banner was unfurled.

Photos obtained by The Post also show anti-cop graffiti at the 155th Street C station. Police received reports of graffiti — as well as glue lining the MetroCard strips — at the 115th Street A/C station, the 145th Street A/C station, the 155th Street C train station, the 96th Street B/C station and Borough Hall station in Brooklyn, authorities said.

Meanwhile, Metro-North officials warned of dangerous rush-hour crowds at Grand Central Terminal as cop-hating radicals wreaked havoc on New York City’s subways ahead of a 5 p.m. “citywide convergence” at the transit hub.

Which is ironic, given that leftists have always been big champions of public transit over private cars. This vile attack is a very good reason for people to quit the subway, as if the bums, late trains, subway pushings, excrement, rats, and rude behavior weren’t reason enough. more

9 Comments on Funny how the assault on New York subway for free stuff sounds like the Democrat agenda

  1. Maybe they could operate on a voluntary donation system, many organizations do.

    And without the pressure and stress of fares and such placed on them people would follow their true nature and be nice to one another so police would no longer be needed.

  2. Well duh, they’re communists. They want other people to pay for their existence. And not JUST communists, but the enforcement arm of the communist/democrat party.

    A good history lesson:
    “…Antifa began a century ago in 1921 as a front group under the direction of the Soviet Union to incite a Communist revolution in Germany. In 1923 the Politburo of the Communist Party in Soviet Russia held a meeting to plan an armed insurrection to overthrow the struggling democracy in Germany’s Weimar Republic. Following the Politburo’s instructions, the German Communist Party formed its armed movement to silence rival political parties through violence and to overthrow the government. The party named its movement Antifaschistische Aktion…”

  3. I said it earlier (somewhere else), maybe store this in the back of your mind for another time:
    During this weekend’s PantyFa riot, those of a more conservative bent should have gotten together, donned masks and black hoodies (camouflage), mingled, then gathered in the middle of the muss, and then started attacking the PantyFa from within. Talk about throwing a fox into the henhouse! I’d pay good PPV money to watch that.

  4. @ anon 10:37 AM
    Would you be willing to pick up the difference in cost if people didn’t voluntarily donate to keep the system operating? Free to these people means free to them and other people pay. Get it? Without looking I’d be willing to bet that the system operates at a loss with the fare as is?
    These people only see money going into something, public transportation or a business, but they never look at the cost of running an operation mostly because they’ve never had to run their own business. Socialism / communism ruins everything it touches.


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