Fusion GPS Contractor Nellie Ohr Invokes Spousal Privilege During Congressional Testimony – IOTW Report

Fusion GPS Contractor Nellie Ohr Invokes Spousal Privilege During Congressional Testimony


Congressional Testimony Today – [Background] The political opposition research and propaganda delivery firm, Fusion-GPS, hired Nellie Ohr in late 2015 to work on Russia-centric issues due to her expertise and language fluency.  After Hillary Clinton and the DNC hired Fusion-GPS for opposition research and political assistance  Nellie Ohr was part of the “Trump Project” which evolved into the “Steele Dossier.”

Nellie Ohr’s husband Bruce Ohr was the number four official in the DOJ and participated on behalf of Fusion-GPS, the DNC and Hillary Clinton as a back channel of information from his wife Nellie Ohr and her co-contractor Chris Steele into the FBI to support the creation of the Trump investigation.

Simultaneous to these events the FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker was meeting with lawyers (M. Sussmann) representing the Clinton Campaign and DNC. The Clinton lawyers were also providing political opposition research toward the same collective FBI effort against their political opposition, Donald Trump.  more here

10 Comments on Fusion GPS Contractor Nellie Ohr Invokes Spousal Privilege During Congressional Testimony

  1. & why is this a surprise?
    I said a couple of months ago that this is what she’d do … ‘spousal privilege’ is common knowledge
    did anyone really expect that anything the congress would do actually account for anything of substance?
    this is nothing more than theater for the masses … all ‘sound & fury, signifying nothing’

  2. When do these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS start facing justice. Trust the Plan? Let’s see a frickin plan. It all looks like musical chairs that never ends. They never run out of chairs.

  3. I just hope the DNC offers to send a Nellie Ohr 2019 swimsuit calendar for $100+ contributions.

    Not surprised Bruce Ohr has coke-bottle glasses! Oooph! And U know it isn’t right to say such things, but I see evidence that she may be actually trying to look that grungy.

  4. Before we send these treasonous scum to Gitmo
    we still need to find out why kick’em Holder
    is in contempt of congress and why he used your
    tax dollars to buy hundreds of high powered rifles
    that were distributed to Mexican narcos ???

  5. Any government or ex-government employees receiving a pension should qualify for having it revoked if they plead the 5th over their actions they took while working for the government.

    This isn’t asking her about their bedroom activities or vandalizing the neighbor’s car. This is about the FBI and DOJ lying to FISA judges and trying to frame a presidential candidate they hated and abusing the trust and powers of their offices to do it.


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