Fusion GPS Operator Glenn Simpson Refuses To Testify to Congress – Goodlatte Issues Subpoena – IOTW Report

Fusion GPS Operator Glenn Simpson Refuses To Testify to Congress – Goodlatte Issues Subpoena

CTH:Fusion GPS is a political research firm and network of political operatives who sell their mercenary services to anyone willing to pay. Fusion has resources inside and outside government and the capability to exploit FBI and NSA databases containing information about U.S. citizens. Fusion then uses a secondary network of media outlets who they pay to write articles shaped for their purposes. Fusion GPS is operated by Glenn Simpson.

In April 2016 Hillary Clinton hired Fusion GPS to target her presidential campaign opponent, Donald Trump.

Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson then assigned Russian expert and CIA research analyst Nellie Ohr to the Trump project. At the time Nellie Ohr’s husband, Bruce Ohr, was the #4 ranking official inside the DOJ National Security Division. Simultaneous to Nellie Ohr’s assignment, Fusion GPS also sub-contracted with Christopher Steele for additional material and internal collaboration with Mrs. Ohr.

Glenn Simpson, Nellie and Bruce Ohr then worked with Christopher Steele on the “Steele Dossier” and the promotion of the content therein to media and FBI allies. The FBI then closed the loop by exploiting the information within “the Dossier” to gain a Title-1 FISA surveillance warrant on the Trump campaign. All of this activity is now a matter of public record; none of it is disputed.

This network of activity has gained a great deal of sunlight over the past nine months as witnesses have given testimony to congress, and documents have been released showing how it all came together.

With these new revelations in hand, and with all of the supportive documentation now released, Joint House Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte wants to question Fusion-GPS founder Glenn Simpson about his role in “Spygate”, the corrupt exploitation of the FISA court and the larger “Crossfire Hurricane” FBI counterintelligence operation, headed by fired FBI agent Peter Strzok.

Through his attorneys Glenn Simpson is now refusing to testify about his involvement in all of the operations against candidate, president-elect, and President Donald Trump.  more here

13 Comments on Fusion GPS Operator Glenn Simpson Refuses To Testify to Congress – Goodlatte Issues Subpoena

  1. Part of his substantial fee is that he is willing go to jail and not reveal the services he provided to whom.

    Justice requires that he make good on that promise to his customers.

    He’s just Pellicano as a former journalist.

  2. Most federal employees or state ones who provide restricted information are violating the law and personally enriching themselves with state resources.

    From the PI’s I’ve known, they all had people within the police department who would give us the records we asked for in exchange for drinks, dinner or a check.

  3. It’s amazing how all these people with the knowledge and details on how “Trump colluded with Russia and stole the election” seek to avoid talking about it when they’re given the opportunity.


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