G7: President Trump enters the ring – IOTW Report

G7: President Trump enters the ring

Before we get started, a commenter at CTH made an observation about Trudeau’s outfit:
Lemmy says:

It looks like his underpants fell out of the bottom of his pantlegs and landed on top of those brown shoes.

And now, on to our story-

CTH: President Trump sits down for a bilateral meeting with half of the dynamic duo.  President Trump starts out the public comments with a joke-not-joke that Justin will drop all current trade tariffs against the U.S. and Trump will happily concur.  ROFLMAO.  Immediately drawing out the trade hypocrisy at the heart of matter.  WATCH

7 Comments on G7: President Trump enters the ring

  1. Hey looks like the excited high school journalist who got the chance to interview an important person.
    And of course Trump looks and acts like the most important person in the room.

    Fantastic! Most people saying that it’s bad to impose tariffs are completely oblivious to the fact that all the others are imposing them on us, thanks to the media. This will open their eyes.

  2. ” looks like his underpants fell out of the bottom of his pantlegs and landed on top of those brown shoes.” Perfect, I might not have caught that otherwise, but once seen it can’t be unseen.

  3. Justina looks like an effeminate, nervous boy perching and squirming on his chair while an actual alpha male is seated next to him. Doh! Canada!

    Every day I am SO thankful Trump is in the WH!

  4. On April 14, 1972, Trudeau’s father and mother hosted a gala at the National Arts Centre, at which visiting U.S. president Richard M. Nixon said, “I’d like to toast the future prime minister of Canada, to Justin Pierre Trudeau” to which Pierre Elliott Trudeau responded that should his son ever assume the role, he hoped he would have “the grace and skill of the president”. Earlier that same day U.S. first lady Pat Nixon had come to see him in his nursery to deliver a gift, a stuffed toy Snoopy. Nixon’s White House audio tapes later revealed Nixon referred to that visit as “wasting three days up there. That trip we needed like a hole in the head.”

    Cooo, loo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coooo!
    Cooo, loo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coo, coooo!
    Take off!

  5. Gotta love Trump. I heard him say before he left for Canada, “I’m gonna renegotiate everything” and then he added, “And it won’t even be hard.”
    Hilarious! Go get ‘em, Mr. President.


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