GA Announces Full Recount by Hand & Audit of Election – IOTW Report

GA Announces Full Recount by Hand & Audit of Election

–– Trump Down by Just 14K Votes

17 Comments on GA Announces Full Recount by Hand & Audit of Election

  1. A lot of the Obiden-Kalamity votes might be Gone With The Wind before this recount is finished, and the Senate votes might also change in the two Republicans favor. It’s not just the big metropolitan centers, something doesn’t smell right about those big rural votes for the Dementiacrats.

  2. Sounds like little Brad Raffensperger got the message. I don’t know if it was Senators Loeffler and Perdue calling for his firing, a chat with Doug Collins or a meeting in Governor Kemp’s office. Maybe some of each. Now DO YOUR JOB, turd. And don’t you dare bombard me with the Mail-In Vote bullshit again.

  3. Marco, Chatham County was the other big fraud center in Georgia. That’s where Savannah is, and it’s a little Atlanta-by-the sea.

    And the “water main burst pipe stopped the vote count” story is complete bullshit, too, BTW.

  4. So, if the hand recount is independent of what the voting machines counted . . . and Trump wins by, oh, say 200,000 votes . . . imagine what that means for other states where voting machine “glitches” occurred.

  5. the ersatz president biden will lose Georgia too.

    Sarah Huckabee tweeted this.
    Georgia will go to the President…
    Sarah Hucklebee
    In Georgia, ballots where the voter ONLY voted for President:
    • Trump: 818
    • Biden: 95,801

    Ballots where the voter voted for President and at least one other race:
    • Trump: 2,456,915
    • Biden: 2,376,081

    *can anyone post a current correct electoral map? I cant seem to find a legit one.

  6. So…will the ballots that came in thru the back door in the wee hours of Nov. 4 be counted too? Were they segregated? I doubt they were. I hope the Trump legal team has a strategy to deal with these.


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