GA. Democrat Candidate Raphael Warnock’s Involvement in Child-Abuse Case at Church Camp Which Led to HIS Arrest – IOTW Report

GA. Democrat Candidate Raphael Warnock’s Involvement in Child-Abuse Case at Church Camp Which Led to HIS Arrest

Geller Report: Another dead-on-balls representative of radical, criminal party of violence, treason and election theft.

Police Reports Shed Light on Warnock’s 2002 Arrest for Obstruction: ‘Extremely Uncooperative and Disruptive’

Warnock repeatedly disrupted child abuse investigation, reports say

7 Comments on GA. Democrat Candidate Raphael Warnock’s Involvement in Child-Abuse Case at Church Camp Which Led to HIS Arrest

  1. Will it make a difference with the voters there, one significant enough to change the way people are voting to a decisive extent?

    Democrats and other Leftists tend to accept this sort of stuff it will further their agenda instead of standing in its way.


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