Geller Report: Another dead-on-balls representative of radical, criminal party of violence, treason and election theft.
Police Reports Shed Light on Warnock’s 2002 Arrest for Obstruction: ‘Extremely Uncooperative and Disruptive’
Warnock repeatedly disrupted child abuse investigation, reports say
Will it make a difference with the voters there, one significant enough to change the way people are voting to a decisive extent?
Democrats and other Leftists tend to accept this sort of stuff it will further their agenda instead of standing in its way.
Everyone knows that hetro sex in the Black community starts at a very early age, taught by AME Pastors and community social workers. It is a cult
…I don’t think this will make any difference to the Dominion machines that “elect” him…
try Proverbs 19:9, “pastor” a*****e
The Word here is pasture, which is where he should be put out to.
This clown wanted to copy Rev Wrights “Down Low” gay club in his church too. I guess the boys in question didn’t agree!
i like this flawless article