‘GabTV’ Video Platform and Gab ‘Dissenter’ Browser – IOTW Report

‘GabTV’ Video Platform and Gab ‘Dissenter’ Browser

Meet GabTV and Gab’s DISSENTER browser.

Downloads of Dissenter are available for Windows 64-bit, Linux and macOS.

14 Comments on ‘GabTV’ Video Platform and Gab ‘Dissenter’ Browser

  1. Been lurking on Gab and some of it’s groups for several months. There are some very plugged in posters, but you do have to be careful, like you do anywhere, as there is a lot of way out there crap as well.

  2. “Dissenter creates a comment section on every URL online. Leave a comment on news sites, videos, and more. Easily view comments left by other people and chat with others visiting the same link in real time.”

    I know of a few news sites that this will drive them insane. They disabled comments on their content years ago simply because the comments seemed to have a theme. One they just couldn’t allow.


  3. Somehow we need to bring all the conservative commenters together on one website so we can be united when the real fight begins. And we need a leader like Gen Flynn. We are too disorganized to do anything meaningful. No registration. Free speech. Only two I know are CFP and IOTW.

  4. Been using gab for a couple years and its a great source of news and opinion. Easier to use than parler, no ads, no phone number required, just a name and password. Naysayers will Nay no matter what platforms are offered up, but i like it.

  5. Anonymous, Somehow we need to bring all the conservative commenters together on one website so we can be united when the real fight begins. And we need a leader like Gen Flynn. We are too disorganized to do anything meaningful. No registration. Free speech. Only two I know are CFP and IOTW.

    Did you mean CTH?

  6. Bitchute is a little gross. Once in a while I go there to listen to a couple of people but on the front page there’s weird chicks with asses pressed up on the screen. Gross.

    I have to figure out how to follow the people I listen to and bookmark them so that I can by-pass most of the gross.

  7. Anonymous DECEMBER 27, 2020 AT 11:52 AM

    Somehow we need to bring all the conservative commenters together on one website so we can be united when the real fight begins. And we need a leader like Gen Flynn. We are too disorganized to do anything meaningful. No registration. Free speech. Only two I know are CFP and IOTW.

    Anyone too cowardly to even pick a consistent fake name will never rally any meaningful group together.

    Why should real conservatives follow anyone afraid as much as you are? The fact you either don’t see this or think no one notices the inherent incongruity of your cowardice + a call to gather means either you are stupid or hope others are very stupid.

    I would be inclined to punch you in the face if you said this while trying to remain incognito in front of me.

    What, exactly, is there to trust about you?


  8. Brad, I agree. I don’t do fakebook, twatter, instagram – nothing – I keep my digital footprint as small as possible. I have long believed that consumers rushed into technology without fully understanding what they were getting themselves into. I believe that I am being proven correct.

    Further, I believe that people also do not realize the digital surveillance and control that the CCP exerts over it citizenry, and that that is the model that the globalist want to employ here.

    It’s time for the de-volution of technology.

  9. Please heed this advice, “If you’re not paying for the service (or even if you are these days), YOU are the product!”

    This applies to ALL Internet Service Providers, Social Media Sites, your Cell Phones, etc.

    Has ANYONE every read the ENTIRE contract and disclaimer for these services?

    If you have then you know you lose ALL rights to privacy of any kind including ALL of your banking and financial information, ALL of your now conveniently digitized medical records, ALL of your contact with law enforcement or the courts, and ALL of the information (folders, files, videos, pics, songs, etc.) you have on your computer, laptop, tablet, or phone.

    History teaches us that the reason vast empires were unsuccessful was the issue of timely communications. Today, some asshole in China can know more about you than your spouse does, and do so in “real time” to boot!!!

    When the Bible speaks of the “Number of a Man”, it may well be the 1’s and 0’s used by computers…because these are not numbers representative of any value or quantity, but the arbitrary contrivance of human beings.


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