Gaetz: New Comey email indicates FBI, DOJ conspired to ‘dislodge’ Trump from White House – IOTW Report

Gaetz: New Comey email indicates FBI, DOJ conspired to ‘dislodge’ Trump from White House

I’m sure 0bama asked his buddies at SCOTUS for help, too.


Rep. Matt Gaetz said Monday that a newly uncovered email indicates that former FBI Director James Comey made a conscious effort to “dislodge” then-incoming President Donald Trump from office.

In an interview with Fox News, the Florida Republican and staunch Trump ally responded to a report by Just the News which provided details of communications between Comey and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper regarding the validity of the infamous “dossier” produced by former British spy and FBI asset Christopher Steele. more

7 Comments on Gaetz: New Comey email indicates FBI, DOJ conspired to ‘dislodge’ Trump from White House

  1. Don’t worry, that nasty old, mean sum bitch, John Durham, is just about to bust a move on the whole rotten bunch.

    Seriously, DC is a fucking shitshow. Corrupt and compromised doesn’t begin to touch how GD scummy once venerated institutions like the FBI and DOJ have become.

  2. Old news.Water under the bridge PFFFFTTTT…..
    Besides Trey Goudy all ready gave them an extremely
    stern lecturing.That ought to be enough for the crime
    of HIGH TREASON ??? There was no bad intent Ya know?

  3. Wow! This will change everything!

    Nah, just phuckin’ with you. This won’t change anything.

    Is this a Blockbuster? A Bombshell?

    NPR had a story on today about the extreme weather today in Texas. It was entirely about how it affected the distribution of a vaccine that seems to be not that efficacious or needed. They left out those last two points.

    Starting to hate this planet.

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