Gaetz (R-FL) Says Democrats Were Threatened On House Floor To ‘Get In Line’ On Impeachment – IOTW Report

Gaetz (R-FL) Says Democrats Were Threatened On House Floor To ‘Get In Line’ On Impeachment

American Lookout:

In recent years, many Democrats with Trump Derangement Syndrome have taken up a very ‘you’re either with us or against us’ attitude.

This has been especially true on impeaching Trump.

Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida claims that he even overheard Democrats being threatened on the House floor.

The Daily Caller reports:

‘Active Threats On The House Floor’: Matt Gaetz Says Democrats Were Forced To Get In Line On Impeachment

Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz said Monday that he and others had heard “active threats on the House floor” against Democrats who might have been tempted to vote against impeachment.

Gaetz told “Hannity” guest host Gregg Jarrett that both he and Arizona Republican Rep. Andy Biggs — who also joined the show — had heard Democratic leadership threatening to withhold funding from anyone who failed to support impeachment.


12 Comments on Gaetz (R-FL) Says Democrats Were Threatened On House Floor To ‘Get In Line’ On Impeachment

  1. If they were smart, they would put their ears on the railroad tracks and be able to hear the rumbling of a voter revolt headed their way and vote the right way!
    But alas, I did start with “If they were smart”!
    Instead these petulant children will just stand there and argue if they are bear tracks, deer tracks or dog tracks and wind up getting run over by the Trump Train!

  2. The impeachment vote was 15 days ago. Why is this coming out now? i am going to assume (yes i know what that means) these threats were not made the day of the vote. As such why wasn’t it ‘reported’ the day it happened? Name WHO did the threatening and WHO was threatened. Hannity/fox News could have put in on the air that night and possibly lessened the pressure on those representatives.

    This crap being released after the horse has left the barn is really pissing me off. Typical Republican p*ssy.

    Am I wrong?

  3. @ Anonymous January 2, 2020 at 11:41 am ,
    I believe that it was Samuel Clemens who once quipped (and I paraphrase (again)) “If voting counted, they wouldn’t let us do it…”
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne


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