Gaetz says conservatives who voted to remove McCarthy have offered to leave Uniparty(R) conference – IOTW Report

Gaetz says conservatives who voted to remove McCarthy have offered to leave Uniparty(R) conference

JTN: Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz told reporters on Friday that he and other conservatives who voted to remove former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy have offered to face removal from the House Republican conference.

“If what people need is to see the 8 of us wrapped on the knuckles in order to get on to the business of governing” than we are open to consequences, Gaetz said, including removal from the conference.

Gaetz said he and the other conservatives would stay Republicans.

“We are willing to accept censure, sanction, suspension, and removal in order to see Jordan as speaker,” he said. “If what these holdouts need are a pound of our flesh, we’re willing to give it to them to see Jordan as speaker.”

After speaking to reporters, Gaetz wrote on X that “if the holdouts who refuse to vote for Speaker-Designate Jim Jordan would be willing to ‘vote with the team’ and elect him the 56th House Speaker, we are prepared to accept censure, suspension, or removal from the Conference to accomplish this objective.” He posted a letter that the 8 Republicans who voted to out McCarthy signed and sent to their colleagues. 

Rep. Ken Buck, R-Colo., later noted that he’s no longer affiliated with the letter, emphasizing he’s opposed to having Jordan as speaker.  more here

Jordan loses third speakership bid with more fellow House Republicans voting against him.

Four possible paths for breaking the House GOP logjam and selecting the next speaker.

10 Comments on Gaetz says conservatives who voted to remove McCarthy have offered to leave Uniparty(R) conference

  1. The RINOs control the GOP House.
    This may see the end of a GOP Controlled House.
    The Democrats will control the Congress and the presidency ensuring full control for the Biden agenda, Tax and spend, Full funding for Social Programs, Funding Ukraine and an ever increasing National Debt edging toward $40 Trillion dollars.

    The RINOs must be pleased with themselves.

  2. start a third party. a party which stands for smaller government, a return yo Constitutional limits, an end to forever wars, an America First policy, strong communities by supporting strong families and a return to honesty and decency in politics. Americans deserve a country that supports good morality otherwise it will continue to slip slide away.

  3. 4 % of the House won’t have control of it, ya think! They certainly must of had a most beautiful wet dream planning this out. Jordan or bust & this will shutdown the government & that’s what our daddy wants. Trying to get Jordan as Speaker, worst voting record attempt for House Speaker since before the Civil War.


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