Gaffes Renew Doubts from the Left About Joe Biden’s Capabilities – IOTW Report

Gaffes Renew Doubts from the Left About Joe Biden’s Capabilities


A string of high-profile gaffes within the past 24-hours have renewed doubts, especially on the left, over former Vice President Joe Biden’s capabilities as a candidate.

When Biden first appeared in Iowa this week, it was as a returning champion. Not only had the frontrunner bested his most vocal challenger at the second Democrat presidential debate last week, but Biden had also succeeded in deflecting some of the attention from his mounting family troubles by attacking President Donald Trump.

Even critics, like former Obama strategist David Axelrod, admitted Biden’s campaign seemed to be finding its groove.

“By far, this is best Joe Biden moment of the campaign,” Axelrod tweeted after Biden delivered a speech accusing Trump of having fanned ‘the flames of white supremacy.’ “He is speaking with energy, passion and conviction.”

Axelrod even went to the extent of saying “a lot nervous” supporters of the former vice president were “walking with a little more verve” now.

The high, however, proved to be short lived. On Thursday, the 76-year-old Biden made three high-profile gaffes on the campaign trail that quickly renewed all of the old doubts about his candidacy. more

17 Comments on Gaffes Renew Doubts from the Left About Joe Biden’s Capabilities

  1. Coming to Stage near you…


    “Biden Our Time”

    Follow Our favorite Uncle on a Madcap Tour of America..

    “Energetic, and fully entertaining” ..WAPO

    “This Man has His Finger on the Pulse of the People”.. Mad Magazine

    “He’s not Gay enough”….Mayor Pete’s Portal

    “I’d do Him” ….Hillary Weekly.

  2. And still, no endorsement from his BFF Barack after eight years of arguably saving his administration by taking stands on issues that mattered to Leftists where Obama was too much of a coward to do so publicly.

  3. It should be obvious by now that if the gaffaholic Jolting Joey is the best that the Socialist-Demographic-Reparations-Homosexualists Party has to offer the voters in Iowa, they are doomed to an ignominious election defeat. At least Michael Avenatti, the Creepy Porn Lawyer, had a brain that was connected to his mouth. Sure, he has some serious credibility and legal problems, but he’s also “articulate and bright and clean and a good-looking guy. He’s a storybook, man.” Perhaps, it’s too early to count out Avenatti as a real possibility for high office when you look at the other contenders making fools of themselves at the State Fair in Des Moines this weekend. I can’t wait to see how they finally ease Our Joey out to pasture when they know his candidacy is a lost cause.

  4. I’d like to see Avenetti jump into this race with both feet. There might be the odd scheduling problem what with him having to balance political rallies with court appearances. Assuming the American populace goes completely insane, what if he won? Would the Dems vote to impeach a disbarred lawyer who’d likely have an actual criminal record? Great fun right before the revolution which I would hope the nuclear boys stay out of in order to continue to warn off anyone who would try to take advantage of busy America cleaning out the ratholes.

  5. scr_north: Avenatti made more sense most of the time when he was making all those television appearances than all of the raving Liberal Lunatics that are running for the nomination now. Of course, he was a completely phony fraudster, but so was Baracky Omohammed, who finally healed our country’s racial divisions. Correct?

  6. Cliche Guevara – Best observation so far!
    No endorsement from the Øbamboozler!
    And there will never be one cuz Joe’s just a typical White man.
    See how “unity” works on the Left?

  7. “Capability” as a candidate?
    WTF does that mean?

    He’s certainly as “capable” as Obola – he’s both a liar and a thief – just as Obola.
    He’s certainly as “capable” as HRC – he’s both a liar and a thief (and possibly a murderer) – just as HRC.
    He’s certainly as “capable” as Bill Clinton – he’s both a liar (not as high quality) and a thief (though not as successful) – just as Bill Clinton.

    So he likes to sniff girls’ hair and feel them up – is that so bad compared to Buttigieg, Bill Clinton, Kamala Harris, Obola, HRC, and some others?

    I think he’s the perfect candidate – and would be even more better as the nihilistic totalitarians candidate against President Trump.

    There is NO WAY President Trump is losing sleep over this clown.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @extirpates
    “What if these “gaffes” were symptoms of a disease onset?”

    If that’s true, it’s an onset he’s had for about 40 years.
    Plugs has always been a buffoon of a gaffe machine.


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