Gaffney: It’s Shariah, Stupid – IOTW Report

Gaffney: It’s Shariah, Stupid

obama cheek touching

Breitbart: Last night, President Obama used his third prime-time address from the Oval Office to try to allay widespread concerns in the aftermath of the San Bernardino attack that he neither understands the nature of the enemy that perpetrated that and similar acts of terror here and abroad nor has an effective strategy for defeating it.

Regrettably, those concerns were only reinforced both by what he said and by what he didn’t say.

To his credit, the President made a leitmotif of his remarks a “destructive ideology” that must be confronted and defeated. Yet, he refused to name it, other than by association with the group he insists on calling “ISIL” – an acronym for what was once known as the Islamic State in Syria and the Levant, but that now simply calls itself the Islamic State (or IS).

If we are actually serious about defeating that ideology, we must be honest about its nature – and realistic about all its adherents. more

5 Comments on Gaffney: It’s Shariah, Stupid

  1. Erdogan: “Ahh … my little goat … my shy little goat … be of good cheer! You have given most of us much pleasure! Only the decadent infidel Americans do not know that you love to ‘play the goat!'”

  2. Putin must know about Obama as well.
    Obama and Putin were walking around out in the country, discussing politics and enjoying the scenery and mild fall weather. On the trail, they came across a herd of sheep. When they approached, the sheep tried to get away, but one had gotten its head caught in the fence next to the trail and became stuck.
    Putin smiled, walked behind the sheep and dropped his drawers and had his way with it. When Putin was done, he turned to Obama and said, “go ahead it’s your turn!” Obama eagerly walked over, and then stuck his head in the fence.

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