‘Gagging’ and ‘dry-heaving’: The left’s love affair with public transit collides headlong into its homeless problem in Seattle – IOTW Report

‘Gagging’ and ‘dry-heaving’: The left’s love affair with public transit collides headlong into its homeless problem in Seattle

American Thinker:

It’s well-known that the left is all-in for forcing the public out of their cars and into public transit.

Green New Deal co-author Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for example, is a big champion of public transit and calls for greater investment and spending on it to get the public to ride it, though in New York, she’s taken flak for not doing it. She didn’t mean herself.

Well, now we come to the reality of public transit, in ultra-blue Seattle, home to one of the nation’s largest homeless communities. Jason Rantz at conservative 770 KTTH radio writes what it’s like, quoting an actual complaint:

Every morning, I get off the bus at this stop to a line of tents and horrible smells. Other than the space the tents occupy on the sidewalk, I’ve actually never been bothered by the people. What kills me beyond anything I would have imagined however, is the smell.

Behind the tents is a sitting pool of water filled with garbage and most likely human waste. It has always bothered me, but upon getting off the bus one morning, I immediately began dry-heaving and gagging, as I couldn’t bear even finishing the bite of food I had in my mouth. It is completely disgusting and makes me sad to know people are living right there among it.

Homelessness is a blue-city problem. Not just because of the high cost of housing and taxes, which are indeed factors. But as Roger Simon notes, blue cities refuse to enforce their own quality of life laws, such as the laws against rampant public drug use. That argument can be extended to vagrancy, petty “broken window” crimes, public drinking, and undoubtedly, public defecation. Zero enforcement to these “non-violent offenses” as the left famously calls them, amounts to an incentive to violate those laws. That’s a dinner triangle for some of the homeless to set up tents in city streets and on public transit instead of move into homeless shelters, where drug use is forbidden. Seems at least some of the homeless seek to live like Bill Gates and Howie Schultz even if they can’t have those billionaires’ money: always relying on someone else to clean up after them. read more

10 Comments on ‘Gagging’ and ‘dry-heaving’: The left’s love affair with public transit collides headlong into its homeless problem in Seattle

  1. Traffic absolutely sucks into Seattle and Sound Transit has spent and is spending billions and billions to provide an alternative to driving into Seattle and the cities to the south are “suggesting” to their employees that they park in the parking garages that were built to facilitate regional commuting and use their city or county provided transit pass to come back to the offices they drove past to get to the Sound Transit garage. It is one big fat scam. This takes the financial burden off the cities for providing their employees with parking and places it on others, but in doing so it makes it all but impossible to park in Tacoma at the station and take the express bus to Seattle unless you beat the city of Tacoma employees to the parking garage.

  2. Very good news. In a few years women like this MAY begin to question their uncontrollable urge to vote for democrats at all costs, no matter what. Maybe. Just maybe.

  3. I have considered proposing a change in municipal voting rules to give all stakeholders a voice, not just residents. Urban residents don’t care about the concerns of commuters and business/property owners, but their cities would be wastelands if those commuters and owners abandon them. They obviously don’t see a real downside to that, as they keep spiraling to the left in their political choices. After all, the people taking dumps on their sidewalks don’t really bother them THAT much.

    You have to hand it to the progressives. They have been so successful in their indoctrination of society that they can fill the streets and parks with human detritus and their feces, urine puddles, vomit, mucus, blood, syringes, used condoms — and make people feel guilty for dry heaving when they walk by.

  4. I once read an account that there was some pagan society in Old Testament times with a public latrines that were also temples to worship a god of shit. Crapping in front of, or uopn, an idol there was considered a sacred thing.

    Is the story true? Dunno. But at least it wasn’t on their streets.

  5. Lefties are natural born pigs. Look at any place
    they congregate, even for a few hours. During a short
    political demonstration, or decades, such as in SF,
    they leave piles of trash and worse that grow higher
    and stinkier the longer they stay.
    “Cleanliness being close to Godliness”,
    I see their willingness to wallow in filth as an
    external reflection of their distance from Him.


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