Gaige Grosskreutz sues Kyle Rittenhouse for shooting him – IOTW Report

Gaige Grosskreutz sues Kyle Rittenhouse for shooting him

PM: Gaige Grosskreutz, the man injured by Kyle Rittenhouse after he was shot during the Kenosha riots of 2020, has field a lawsuit against Rittenhouse and local police and officials.

According to Fox News, Grosskreutz is seeking economic losses, “damages for emotional distress, humiliation, loss of enjoyment of life, and other pain and suffering on all claims,” and punitive damages.

“Astonishingly, the Kenosha Police Department, Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department, their supervising officials and police officers, and law enforcement officers from surrounding communities did not treat Defendant Rittenhouse or any of the other armed individuals patrolling the streets as a threat to the safety of themselves or the citizens they were sworn to protect,” the lawsuit, filed on February 14, states.

“Instead, the law enforcement Defendants deputized these armed individuals, conspired with them, and ratified their actions by letting them patrol the streets, armed with deadly weapons, to mete out justice as they saw fit,'” said the lawsuit, filed by Ascend Counsel attorneys Kimberley Motley of Motley Legal Services and E. Milo Schwab.

Rittenhouse told Fox News that he was ready to “prove my innocence again,” though that action would come with a high price tag, adding that the lawsuit came as “a little bit of a shock.”

“I guess it came as a shock to why he’s filing a lawsuit because he admitted that he pointed a gun in my face and that he chased me down,” Rittenhouse added. MORE

31 Comments on Gaige Grosskreutz sues Kyle Rittenhouse for shooting him

  1. “You’re lucky his aim was slightly off, Gaige. I would have dumped another 2 rounds into your chest.”

    I know LE that will tell you if your going to shoot them, kill them, or they will sue you later. I guess they’re right.

  2. Argo! to these miscreants and their families. Bunch of butt-hurt imbeciles. Suing based on false pretenses which should carry the Old Testimate penalty: people making claims subject to same punishment they are attempting to inflict on the innocent party. as well as paying defense costs.

  3. “to mete out justice as they saw fit,’” said the lawsuit

    Rittenhouse most likely pull the shot;. bicep and center mass are at the same elevation at that angle of attack. Be glad he missed, bitch

  4. You were committing a felony when you were shot in defense of said felony.

    All persons harmed while committing said felony are your fault. You would not be damaged if you stayed home and/or minded your own business.

    Sue yourself.

  5. George Floyd’s family received $27m settlement from city of Minneapolis. My guess is it was hush money, not to talk about what an angel George was.
    So the Kenosha Police Department and Sheriff’s Department may just pay up.
    No one ever pressed for evidence on the paid protesters or pallets of brick that showed up at the “mostly peaceful protests”.

  6. Boy needs to learn how to jerk off with the other hand.

    A second shot to the groin woulda solved that problem.
    … then he could change his name from Gaige Grosskreutz to Paige Grossnutz

  7. Typical loser. If he wasn’t participating in a riot and if he didn’t point a gun in Kyle’s face he probably wouldn’t have been shot. This low life did it to himself and he refuses to take responsibility for his actions which led to him being shot. Gaige Grosskreutz is the poster boy for “do stupid things; get stupid results”.


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