Galoomphy Gets Into Scuffle with Reporter Asking Questions About Domestic Abuse – IOTW Report

Galoomphy Gets Into Scuffle with Reporter Asking Questions About Domestic Abuse

PJM: Former congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL) threatened to have a Politico reporter arrested Tuesday, falsely claiming that the reporter assaulted him. A video of the scuffle, which took place in Philadelphia at an event hosted by Politico, tells a very different story, however.


The fracas began when reporter Edward-Isaac Dovere approached Grayson — currently a candidate for the U.S. Congress  — to ask him about allegations of domestic abuse, a story Politico has reported on extensively.

Grayson’s ex-wife has alleged that he battered her over the course of two decades — allegations he strongly denies.

According to Politico, Grayson only provided a comment through his lawyer for its most recent article, which includes “police and court documents dating back to 1994.”  read more

21 Comments on Galoomphy Gets Into Scuffle with Reporter Asking Questions About Domestic Abuse

  1. “I don’t have an anger issue … & if you think I do, I’ll kick yer ass!”

    LMAO … Galoompy …. another demonRat gift that keeps on giving

    (please FLA … don’t re-elect this POS … let him die, choking on a pork rib)

  2. He’s an extra large non athletic piece of shit that relies on his security detail to protect him after he starts shit. He’s a pussy. I’ve seen it twice now. Once a couple years ago during a Tea Party meeting he wasn’t even invited to. His security detail sucks too. Somebody need to put this guy to sleep.

  3. My take on that article is that it is ridiculous on its face. It tries to characterize Rome in terms the the news media of today uses with their populist and economic double speak. It’s a ridiculous article.

  4. I was trying to say the article was inaccurate in that it misscharacterized Rome as a bunch of citizens defending their home land. It wasn’t the case. Rome survived because their professional army traveled the world looting and bringing back the spoils to Rome. It worked for hundreds of years but it really wasn’t a sustainable model. Once the army loses its grip it collapses.

    And the article tries to compare Rome’s economy to our modern central bank. It’s true Emperor’s diluted the currency from time to time as all empires did. But it isn’t like the US today.

    The article struck me as uninformed and tried to force a comparison to the US today but it just was not accurate in a sort of dishonest way. My honesty antenna just pegged it as misleading.

    Sure there are some similarities in a failed system but that article did not strike me as very accurate. It was a forced comparison

  5. As far as Rome history goes. My brother just finished watching a long series on utube that was produced by Yale University that would probably be more informative.

    “The War of the Jews” by the historian Josephus is an incredible read, if you want to know how the Roman army operated. It’s free at

    A great book.

  6. While I’m on the subject. I don’t read all that many books but once I started “The War of the Jews” I couldn’t put it down. Flavius Josephus was a pharisee that was captured by the Roman General Tiberius and because he was a scribe, he forced him to document the seizure and destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A D. It made “Lord of the Rings” sound like a Sunday school lesson.

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